Readers are invited to submit manuscripts in English, French or Spanish on research and analysis of issues related to land reform, land settlement or cooperatives. Submitted manuscripts are read by members of the Editorial Board and also by outside reviewers. Authors are requested to provide…
This publication is the result of a significant commitment by numerous individuals over the past two years. In particular, the Forestry Policy and Institutions Branch (FONP) of FAO has provided extensive support to the development and production of these conflict management cases.
La Conferencia Internacional sobre la Contribución de los Criterios e Indicadores para la Ordenación Forestal Sostenible: El camino a seguir (CICI - 2003) fue organizada por el Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB) de Guatemala en la ciudad de Guatemala, del 3 al 7 de febrero de 2003, con el…
The present paper is a non-academic and thus, hopefully, unpretentious, attempt at reviewing the literature on the the role of local institutions and their interaction in disaster risk mitigation (DRM). What will be found on the following pages is a non-exhaustive compendium of strengths and…
La Conférence internationale sur la contribution des critères et indicateurs de la gestion forestière durable: Perspectives d'avenir (CICI - 2003) a été accueillie par les Services forestiers nationaux du Guatemala (Instituto Nacional de Bosques, INAB) à Guatemala City du 3 au 7 février…
En este informe se discuten los principales resultados de los diagnósticos participativos realizados durante el período comprendido entre junio de 2001 y mayo de 2002 en 95 comunidades (aldeas) en las zonas rurales de ladera en Honduras. El propósito del trabajo consistió en la determinación de…
Property conflicts have an enormous impact on relations between the members of farm households and their families. Given the long duration, frequency and intensity of these conflicts an investigation of how they arise and how they affect the daily lives of, and relationships between, landholders…
Local and indigenous communities across the world are advancing innovative sustainable development solutions that work for people and for nature. Few publications or case studies tell the full story of how such initiatives evolve, the breadth of their impacts, or how they change over time. Fewer…
Local and indigenous communities across the world are advancing innovative sustainable development solutions that work for people and for nature. Few publications or case studies tell the full story of how such initiatives evolve, the breadth of their impacts, or how they change over time. Fewer…
This conmpendium of recent sustainable development initiatives in the field of agriculture and land management has been developed as a supporting document for the Task Manager's Report on the Land and Agriculture Cluster for Chapters 10, 12 and 14 of Agenda 21. The report draws together 75…