Pequeña guía con algunas de las prácticas que mejores resultados están dando a los productores en el establecimiento de los sistemas agroforestales.
Sistematización de la experiencia de los programas de FAO en Honduras en la aplicación del sistema agroforestal Quesungual como una opción para el manejo de suelos en zonas secas de ladera.
This decree is the 2nd reform of the 2004 Honduran property law
This decree is a reform of the Honduran property law of 2004.
We evaluate the impact of agricultural land market liberalization policies in Latin America by empirically examining the degree to which the reforms have broken down the dependence of operational area on owned area. We use panel data sets from Honduras and Peru to estimate the relationship…
The objectives of this study were to: (a) estimate milk and beef yields obtained from cows grazing pastures in different stages of degradation; (b) estimate income losses as a result of the degradation process; (c) estimate the proportion of pasture areas found in each stage of degradation…