This decree is Honduras' general property law.
In this paper we discuss the principal results of participatory surveys that were conducted between June 2001 and May 2002 in 95 communities (villages) in the rural hillside areas in Honduras. The principal objectives of the study were to determine the main income earning strategies at the…
World population is increasing, particularly in the developing countries. Groundwater reserves are being depleted; lands are being degraded. The required increase in food production must come principally from new supplies of water for irrigated lands. If irrigated lands fail to produce the…
This study evaluates the relationship between landscape accessibility and land cover change in Western Honduras, and demonstrates how these relationships are influenced by social and economic processes of land use change in the region. The study area presents a complex mosaic of land cover…
SUMILLA :Regularización de las formas de ocupación del territorio nacional, para el mejoramiento de los desequilibrios estructurales. RESUMEN: Ley establece que el ordenamiento territorial se constituye en una política de Estado que incorporando a la planificación nacional, promueve la gestión…
This study uses a livelihoods perspective to facilitate understanding of the role played by seeds and PGRs in rural people’s livelihoods and considers how a livelihood perspective may strengthen understanding of issues of access. A sustainable livelihoods perspective offers a way of thinking…
Ce recueil d'initiatives rcentes de dveloppement durable dans le domaine de la gestion des terres et de l'agriculture a t labor comme document d'appui au Rapport de la Commission de travail examinant le volet Terres et agriculture pour les chapitres 10, 12 et 14 de l'Action…
La temática relativa a la tenencia y explotación de tierras está de nuevo a la orden del día. Así, son muchos los países que manifiestan un renovado interés por los diferentes modos de acceso a los recursos naturales en un marco de posibles reformas territoriales, ya sea en el contexto de la…
Policies have considerable impact on people’s livelihoods. They influence the access people have to livelihoods assets and the strategic possibilities for employing these assets to reach favourable livelihoods outcomes. However, policies developed at central level are often not responsive to…