Planeta Amazônia
Revista Internacional de Direito Ambiental e Políticas Públicas. Publicação oficial do Programa de Mestrado em Direito Ambiental e Políticas Públicas da Universidade Federal do Amapá
Revista Internacional de Direito Ambiental e Políticas Públicas. Publicação oficial do Programa de Mestrado em Direito Ambiental e Políticas Públicas da Universidade Federal do Amapá
The Alliance For Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) is a Pan African platform representing small holder farmers, pastoralists, hunter/gatherers, indigenous peoples, citizens and environmentalists from Africa who possess a strong voice that shapes policy on the continent in the area of community rights, family farming, promotion of traditional knowledge and knowledge systems, the environment and natural resource management.
Natural Justice: Lawyers for Communities and the Environment is a non-profit organization, registered in South Africa since 2007.
Our vision is the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity through the self-determination of Indigenous peoples and local communities.
Ciências Sociais Unisinos é uma publicação quadrimestral da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos e dedica-se a publicar artigos inéditos que contribuam para a reflexão e o estudo interdisciplinar das Ciências Sociais.
O Instituto Tricontinental de Pesquisa Social é uma instituição internacional, orientada pelos movimentos populares, focada em estimular o debate intelectual para o serviço das aspirações do povo.
Nossa história
O significado do Tricontinental:
Tropenbos International envisions a future in which forests and trees are used sustainably for the benefit of local people and the global community. By using evidence to make conscious choices and finding the right balance between the needs of all the stakeholders involved, we contribute to sustainable solutions for forested landscapes.
Tropenbos International (TBI) brings the knowledge together to address complex questions regarding sustainable management of forests and trees, organizes interactions with all the stakeholders and actively helps to create broad support.
The Iniciativa de Terras Comunitarias Foundation (iTC-F) is a non-profit Mozambican National Institution dedicated to the protection of community rights over land and other natural resources. ITC-F's mission is to complement the Government's efforts to implement the Land Law with regard to the protection of communities' rights over land and other natural resources and the promotion of inclusive economic development, through partnerships between communities and investors, public and / or private.
Independent platform for registering and administering legally-acquired use and benefit rights over land in Mozambique
UPA DI s’est donnée pour mission de soutenir la ferme familiale comme modèle d’agriculture durable en appuyant les organisations professionnelles agricoles démocratiques, les systèmes collectifs de mise en marché des produits agricoles et toute autre initiative structurant l’avenir de l’agriculture dans les pays en voie de développement.