Theoretical Problems of the Legal Regulation of the Landed Property Relations and the Agriculture organization (on the Example of the Russian Experience)
Property of law of the landed property completeness and organization of the agriculture reveals in an empery of the owner over the property; variety, completeness of objects of the real rights; will of the owner acting at discretion and in the interest; the wide set of its competences; the system of the real rights protection opportunities for the owner to protect the property rights in the most various ways and means, up to the application of the rei vindicatio and the negaterius claims, unilateral and bilateral restitution, indemnification.
Investments in Environmental Research, Science and Technology: Their Impacts on Irrigation and Mussel Farming
MoRST is evaluating the Environmental Research output class of the Public Good Science Fund to identify inter alia the impacts of Environmental RS&T spending. Three specific questions are: How effective has the funding on Environmental RS&T been? Is Environmental RS&T having a positive effect by delivering real benefits to New Zealand, particularly to the environment? What influences the link between research and tangible positive benefits?
Influence of agency of agricultural estates on local and regional development in rural areas
The following article contains analysis of role played by the Agency of Agricultural Estates (in Polish: Agencja Nieruchomosci Rolnych – ANR) in the process of forming local development in rural areas. The Agency is in possession of the Resources of Agricultural Estates of National Treasury (in Polish: Zasoby Nieruchomosci Rolnych Skarbu Panstwa - ZNRSP). Due to wide-scale possibilities of acting, it has right to influence the estate market, housing economy, and development possibilities of rural municipalities.
Plant genetic resources and the law. Past, present, and future
Agricultural Trade Liberalisation and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Analysis of Distributional Consequences
The article analyses the impact of agricultural trade liberalisation on economic growth as well as on the welfare of rural livelihoods in developing countries through technological transformation in the agricultural sector. The article, based on existing literature, considers the background and reasons for the policy shift in developing economies away from agricultural protection and toward trade liberalisation. It attempts to shed light on the debate over the distributional consequences resulting from trade liberalisation.
Project for the analysis of land tenure and agricultural productivity in the Republic of Macedonia
Agricultural land-use potential and investment required in Latvia
Land as a resource of agricultural production is not fully exploited in Latvia, as approximately 400 thousand ha, according to the data in the identification system of agricultural parcels, were undeclared for the Single Area Payment Scheme in 2012 and, of the agricultural area, 10 % was uncultivated and 2% was overgrown. It creates unique opportunities and a potential for enhancing the management and use of land in the future to increase the output of agricultural products.
Farmland Allocation along the Rural-Urban Gradient: The Impacts of Urbanization and Urban Sprawl
In the vicinity of a city, farmers are confronted with increasing agricultural land prices and rents along the rural-urban gradient, but they concurrently enjoy the advantages associated with proximityto a larger and wealthier consumer base. We hypothesize that farmers transition fromlow-value, land-intensive \traditional" crops to high-value, labor-intensive \specialized" crops on parcels located closer to urban centers. Once returns to development of a parcel exceed theprofits associated with farming, exurban farmers may sell their land for conversion to urban use.
Producer Preference for Land-Based Biological Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: An Economic Inquiry
This study was intended to develop an understanding of producer preference for land-based carbon sequestration in agriculture. We conducted a mail survey to elicit producer choice to provide marketable carbon offsets by participating in different carbon credit programs characterized by varying practices.