Community / Land projects / FPP, Livelihood Security and Economic Development in the DRC - FPP, Livelihood Security and Eco Dev in the DRC
FPP, Livelihood Security and Economic Development in the DRC - FPP, Livelihood Security and Eco Dev in the DRC
01/14 - 03/15
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Although some positive steps have been taken with respect to the rights of indigenous women, their rights remain widely violated. Indigenous women suffer from multiple layers of discrimination: because of their gender, their race or ethnicity and class as many indigenous women live in poverty. While considerable human rights standards regarding indigenous peoples land and other human rights have emerged in the past 20 years, the gender dimension of these rights is neither well developed nor well understood and this is the case at both the national and international levels. FPPs work will be built on two sets of existing standards, one pertaining to indigenous peoples rights and one to womens right. The current project (2014) builds on the experiences that FPP has gained in the last five years (2009-2014) in the field of G&LR as well as on the results of the external evaluation (financed by ON) carried outin October 2012. Project activities include: (1) legal and human rights trainings based on materials elaborated and refined in collaboration with partners; (2) national level advocacy; and (3) setting and implementing standards and jurisprudence at the regional and international levels through briefings, reports and, where appropriate, litigation. Expected outcome: The work of FPP on genderand land rights will contribute towards understanding the issues and needs of women within indigenous people and forest communitiesregarding land rights issues and how a gender justice perspective can be best approached. This project will help implement international standards and jurisprudence pertaining to the land, resource and other rights of indigenous women in Latin America, Africa andAsia, and to promote their implementation in domestic law and practice. ONs grant will be used to further develop and implement (inter)national standards and jurisprudence pertaining to the land, resource and other rights of indigenous women in Latin America, Africa and Asia, and to promote their implementation in domestic law and practice.