Community / Land projects / Management Indonesian Partner Inception
Management Indonesian Partner Inception
04/17 - 04/18
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Oxfam's vision is to establish multi-functional landscapes in which smallholders, their communities (including women and indigenouspeoples), local authorities, and plantation companies have applied participatory land use planning. Oxfam's work on the FAIR Company Community Partnerships started in 2014. FAIR represents 4 key principles: Freedom of Choice, Accountability, Improvement and sharing of benefits, Respect for Rights and the environment. The long-term objective of FAIR Partnerships implementation is to demonstrate a holistic landscape level approach in Indonesia in support of community/smallholder-inclusive growth in the palm oil sector. In order to go from the concept of FAIR Company Community Partnerships to vision five consecutive steps havebeen defined: 1. Research; 2. Scoping; 3. Co-creation and preparation; 4. Demonstration projects; and 5. Up-scaling and mainstreaming. This project covers thefirst year of the 4th step: an inception phase which concludes the co-creation and further prepares local level project implementation. Purpose of the proposed 9-month inception phase is to establish/meet sufficiently detailed preconditions for the FAIR Partnership demonstration project participants. Project locations are: 2 out of 3 short-listeddemonstration project locations: Pelalawan in Riau, Tanjung Jabung Barat in Jambi, and Sekadau in West Kalimantan. Oxfam Country Office in Indonesia manages all activities in Indonesia and will work together with 2 partner organisations the Consortium for Agrarian Reform (KPA) and the Union for Palm Oil Smallholders (SPKS).