Community / Land projects / RVO IMVO Pension Conv. Save the Children
RVO IMVO Pension Conv. Save the Children
04/19 - 12/22
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The Pension Convenant seeks to support Pension Funds to implement OECD orientations regarding ESG. The two track approach has a general track where all Dutch pension funds are targetted and a second track to undertake case studies and feed into the general track. The Convenant will work with a Steering Group and several working groups, notably for Monitoring, Case Studies and Instruments. The Convenant support facility is not a project but a facility where Oxfam Novib, on behalf of participating NGOs and trade unions, administers the facility. On an equal basis, Oxfam Novib also participates in the implementation of the Convenant. Save the Childrenwill bring in specific knowledge on child rights and health. The participating NGOs bring their specific knowledge and informationabout human rights (including children's rights, gender equality and land rights), climate change, nature, the fight against corruption, health (including access to medicines) and animal welfare in the local context. The NGOs will contribute through - to share their specific, available expertise with the Parties on, for example, building civil society in developing countries; ESG risks and impacts, general ESG policies and procedures for ESG due diligence; contacts with governments in unstable, conflict-affected or quasi-uncontrolled areas; contacts with the government of states where frequent serious impacts occur; protection of (human rights) activists; collecting local evidence with regard to ESG violations; prioritizing risks based on knowledge of (future) international standards and their global and international overview, perspective and network; improving the situation of the victims; - involving localstakeholders and colleague and partner organizations; - act as an informal sounding board for sensitive or complex issues and suggest possible solutions to obstacles faced by the Parties; - with regard to the Deep Track, play an active role where possible in involving local stakeholders, mediating (informally) on sensitive or complex issues and / or conducting public-oriented or other activities aimed at increasing the joint influence on companies .