Resource information
The aim of this training manual is to enhance the capacity and knowledge of technical experts tasked with capacity building to appraise/implement PILUP(Participatory and Integrated Land Use Planning) project in their respective implementation areas. The training material aims to provide participants with a step-by-step guide and instructions on how to prepare and implement PILUP at federal, regional and local level. It provides practical information supported by examples from a wide variety of situations. It draws on local and international reports and working documents on participatory and integrated land use planning. However, the detailed planning level in each stage is unique and it is impossible to provide step by-step solutions applicable for all cases and hence a general approach is be provided. The user of this Manual is therefore invited to add the local experience and information deemed necessary.
This training manual is organized into five Modules and 12 sessions which build upon each other in terms of information and are sequenced in logical presentation order for an actual training workshop. Each session presents the conceptual framework, background and step by step practical guidelines. The modules cover:
• PILUP: Basic Concepts and Principles at Rural, Peri-urban and Urban area;
• Concepts of spatial Planning; • Planning Approach, Processes and Tools of PILUP;
• Modules and proposed steps in Rural Land Use Planning in Ethiopia (National, Regional, Zonal, Woreda/ local level); and
• Modules and steps in Urban and peri-urban Land Use Planning in Ethiopia (National, Regional, Zonal, Woreda/ local level).