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Issues land access related News
Displaying 169 - 180 of 228
15 August 2017
  In Brazil, rural agricultural workers and land reform beneficiaries could be hardest hit by President Michel Temer's austerity policies. 
9 August 2017
Fishermen say changes will lead to environmental damage, displace coastal communities and hurt the livelihoods of millions who depend on the sea for their survival
8 August 2017
Odisha Government on Tuesday took a decision to grant land rights to the slum dwellers living in Municipal Councils and Notified Area Councils of the State and property rights to those living in Municipal Corporation areas. Accordingly, the State Cabinet approved promulgation of two ordinances for
8 August 2017
Trans-Pacific View author Mercy Kuo regularly engages subject-matter experts, policy practitioners, and strategic thinkers across the globe for their diverse insights into U.S. Asia policy. This conversation with Dr. Spencer Cohen – Senior Economist at Community Attributes, a Seattle-based research
4 August 2017
Let me have land for land, not money: oustee The discussion on compensation against land taken for digging a canal between the proposed Mallannasagar and Mid Maneir witnessed outburst from the farmers. “I have 34 guntas of land and more than half of it would be wiped off in canal digging under
3 August 2017
Accra, Aug 2, GNA – A two-day workshop has ended in Accra with a call on Queen Mothers to serve as champions in women’s quest to access and control land in their communities. The workshop, organised by the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), the National chapter of Transparency was to forge a
2 August 2017
In spite of appearances, the piece of paper that Rakotoarimanana, 79 years of age, proudly clutches in his hand is very valuable. He has been waiting five years for this moment. He left home this morning at 6 a.m. to walk seven kilometers to the rural commune of Andriambilany to collect his land
4 July 2017
Assault on daughter of environmentalist Berta Cáceres, who leads indigenous rights group, heightens fears of violence against campaigners in Honduras The daughter of the murdered Honduran environmentalist Berta Cáceres has survived an armed attack, just weeks after being named leader of the
13 June 2017
Monrovia - The Civil Society Working Group on Land Rights Reform has launched what appeared to be a last minute fight in persuading the 53rd National Legislature to pass the Land Rights Act before the dawn of the hefty campaign season, which will virtually end the workings of that assembly. In a
12 June 2017
NEW DELHI, Jun 12 2017 (IPS) - In Meghalaya, India’s northeastern biodiversity hotspot, all three major tribes are matrilineal. Children take the mother’s family name, while daughters inherit the family lands. Because women own land and have always decided what is grown on it and what is
28 May 2017
 Globally, principles for responsible investment in agriculture and food system, requires respecting, protecting, and promoting human rights, including the progressive realization of the right to adequate food, in the context of national food security. This is in line with the Universal Declaration
23 May 2017
  Frustrated over the pace of housing delivery and poor living conditions in informal settlements in South Africa, a group of people from informal settlements in Tshwane municipality in May gathered to protest poor, overcrowded living conditions. They also demand resettlement, after attempts to

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