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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 561 - 565 of 2117

Not Applicable


Malawi II Compact - Land Management For Investment Projects - Not-applicable Funds Activity: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete.

Legal and Regulatory


El Salvador II - Legal and Regulatory project: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete. In this particular project, due diligence funds were used to hire external technical assistance to support MCC's assessment and oversight of the MCA's land administration project to ensure country-led designs and subsequent implementation were consistent with MCC guidance.

Land Management For Investment Projects


Malawi II Compact - Land Management For Investment Projects: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete.

TZA Research Cooperation with ARU 2015-2020 - ISP allowances


ARU has applied to Sida for funding of of 31 500 000 SEK to carry out the programme Strengthening Capacity on Research and Innovation for Sustainable Land and Environmental Management for Inclusive Development”. The intervention aims at building institutional research capacity at ARU in order to generate research that can be used to address major issues of developement in Tanzania and especially for people who live in poverty. The programme consists of 7 subprogrammes of which most have a thematic foucus including, urban planning and development, rural development, markets, and land rights and large scale investmensts. Other programs are more concerned with research management capacity and use of research results. ARU has partnership with Swedish universities and institutions for support to research capacity development. Of the agreed 31 500 000 SEK 17 498 000 SEK will be directed to ARU, 11 040 000 SEK through UU/ISP to Swedish universities and institutions, 1 462 000 SEK will be transferred through UU/ISP to Tanzanians students while in Sweden and 1 500 000 SEK to UU/ISP for coordination of Swedish collaborating universities and institutions.


To increase Tanzania's production and use of scientific knowledge for inclusive economic growth and social development.

RECLAIM Sustainability! Ghana - Palm Oil


This project aims to contribute to smallholder inclusive sustainable Palm Oil production and trade, in which workers in plantations and mills work under Decent working conditions, forests and land rights are equally protected, and smallholders are rewarded for the investments made to produce under sustainable conditions.