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The Minister may purchase, acquire expropriate land, a portion of land or a right in land: (a) in respect of which a claim in terms of this Act has been lodged. for the purpose of: (i) restoring or awarding such land, portion of land or right in land to a claimant who is entitled to restitution…

National Policies

This National Gender Policy 2014 rests on the principle that women and men are equal in all respects. All forms of discrimination based on sex and gender should be eliminated. The reasons for revising the National Gender Policy of 2000 are the need to address persistence and emerging gender…

National Policies

Le Programme d’Action National de Lutte contre la Désertification (PAN) a pour but d’identifier les facteurs qui contribuent à la désertification et les mesures concrètes à prendre pour lutter contre la désertification et atténuer les effets de la sécheresse. Les objectifs généraux sont les…


La direction générale du recensement des biens publics au ministère des domaines de l'Etat et des affaires foncières procède à la tenue d'un registre dénommé "registre des droits réels grevant les constructions, ouvrages et équipements fixes édifiés dans le cadre des concessions…


This Act makes provision for return of properties expropriated by the Government to their former owners and related matters. Any property or business which was vested in the Government or appropriated or otherwise acquired by the Government under specified legislation remain vested in the…


The objectives of this Act are, inter alia, to: (a) provide for, the cultural and environmental protection and sustainable development of, and related activities within, World Heritage Sites; and giving effect to the values of the World Heritage Convention; (b) make the Convention part of South…


Cet arrêté abroge le titre IV de l'arrêté nº 3073-94 (arrêté qui fixe les attributions et l'organisation des services extérieurs du Ministère de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire) et le remplace par un nouveau titre relatif aux directions du contrôle et de la qualité aux…


Le présent arrêté établit les modalités de partage des propriétés foncières, notamment les terres destinées à l'agriculture ou élevage. Le partage des propriétés foncières prévu par le présent arrête se fait entre une personne qui a été lésée de son droit sur propriété foncière avant de se…

National Policies

The Food Security Policy is a national instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, whose long-term goal is to significantly improve food security of the population. The goal implies increasing agricultural productivity as well as diversity and sustainable agricultural growth and development.The…


This Act makes provision for the judgement of claims in land, for the adjudication and registration of title in land and various other related matters. The Act consists of 99 sections divided into 6 Chapters.This Act shall apply to land in any district, area or place in Kenya as the President…


This Act provides for the establishment of Land Disputes Tribunals in every administrative district and a Land Disputes Appeals Committee in every province, defines the jurisdiction of Land Disputes Tribunals and provides for appeals against decisions of such Tribunals. A Land Disputes Tribunal…


This Act establishes the National Monuments Council as a body corporate. The object of the council shall be to preserve and protect the historical and cultural heritage, to encourage and to promote the preservation and protection of that heritage, and to co-ordinate all activities in connection…