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These Regulations, made by the Board of the Environment Protection Agency under section 62 of the Environment Protection Agency Act, 2008 as amended by the Environment Protection Agency (Amendment) Act, 2010, provide with respect to environmental protection in mining operations. They shall apply…


Le présent décret fixe les règles de création, d’organisation et de fonctionnement du Comité Technique Bilatéral de mise e œuvre et de suivi du Plan d'Urgence Gouvernemental.Ce Comité constitue une haute instance stratégique de mise en œuvre et de suivi de l'exécution des actions…


These Regulations amend the Regulations in terms of the Deeds Registries Act in: regulation 28 (particulars of a deed wherein land is described), regulation 39 (authority for the performance of specified acts), regulation 44A (correctness of facts in preparing certificates), regulation 45 (…


This Act provides for the management and conservation of the sea-shore meaning the water and the land between the low-water mark and the high-water mark. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the State President shall be the owner of the sea-shore and the sea, except of any portion thereof…


Ce décret porte réglementation applicable aux installations classées prévues à l'article 75 de la loi nº 83-03. Ces installations sont soumises soit à autorisation soit à déclaration. Le décret indique les autorités compétentes à délivrer l'autorisation, les conditions et les modalités…


This Act makes provision with respect to the procedures and processes in accordance with which land use in a planning area or zone are prescribed, managed, monitored and evaluated. The Act sets out the fundamental principles of land use, establishes land use planning authorities and provides…


This Act provides with respect to local courts. The existing Native Courts and Group Native Appeal Courts are re-designated Local Courts and Group Local Appeal Courts and the term "Local" is substituted for the term "Native" in every designation of any such courts in any…


La présente loi vise à: préciser les actions pour la valorisation optimale du potentiel agro écologique et des savoir-faire agricoles du pays; créer un environnement propice au développement d'un secteur agricole structuré; créer les conditions de la modernisation de l'agriculture…

National Policies

The National Irrigation Policy is a sectoral national policy adopted by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to address the problems, constraints and opportunities, which cut across the whole irrigation sub-sector; and specifically for informal, formal and commercial irrigation. The Policy’s…


This Regulation of the council of the Amhara Regional Government, made in accordance with the powers vested in it under the provisions of Art. 58 sub-art.7 of the revised Regional constitution and Art. 33 sub-art. 1 of the revised Rural Land Administration and use Determination Proclamation No.…


La présente loi est composée de 50 articles regroupés en sept (7) chapitres, notamment des dispositions générales (Chap. I); des orientations fondamentales et des outils d'aménagement du territoire (Chap. II); des structures de mise en œuvre de l'aménagement du territoire (Chap.III);…


This Act concerns concession granted on stool lands to which the Administration of Lands Act, 1962, applies. Such concessions shall continue in force according to the terms of the concession, provided that: (a) such terms may be varied by agreement between the parties to the concession, subject…