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Décret n°2016-878/ PRES/PM/MATDSI/MINEFID du14 septembre 2016 portant organisation administrative du territoire et attributions des chefs de circonscription administrative au Burkina Faso.

Septembre, 2016
Burkina Faso

Le présent décret définit l’organisation administrative du territoire et attributions des chefs de circonscription administrative au Burkina Faso. Le territoire national est organisé en circonscriptions administratives que sont: la région; la province; le département.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters.

Juillet, 2017

This Regulation repeals Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 1 of Article 5 and Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 4 of Article 6.

Amends: Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters. (2012-12-15)

Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) 2004-2007.

National Policies
Février, 2004

The Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) is a strategic instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2004-2007, whose main goals are (i) to create conditions for sustainable and balanced economic development, (ii) to reduce poverty, and (iii) to accelerate the integration of the country into the European Union. The strategy lays down macroeconomic and fiscal measures, and promotes the private sector growth to attain the objectives above-mentioned.

Regulations on Bayinbuluk Grassland Ecological Protection.

Avril, 2010

The purpose of these Regulations is to protect construct and rational utilize Bayanbulak grassland, prevent grassland ecological degradation, improve the grassland ecological environment and promote sustainable economic and social development.The people's government of the autonomous prefecture should integrate the protection, development and use of grasslands into national economic and social development planning, and grassland protection, fire prevention and pest disaster prevention shall be included in the government budget.

Act on the Preparation for Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.

Juillet, 2015
République de Corée

The purpose of this Act is to prescribe matters necessary for the observation of, prevention of, provision against, and action against earthquakes, tsunami, and volcano, earthquake-proof measures, and research and technical development to reduce earthquake disasters and volcano disasters in order to protect the life and property of the people and major infrastructure from disasters due to earthquakes, tsunami, and volcano.

Regional Law No. 72 “On mountain areas”.

Décembre, 2010
Fédération de Russie

This Regional Law establishes the legal basis for the development of mountainous areas of the Republic of Dagestan, the preservation and rational use of their natural resources and cultural heritage. Mountain territory shall be considered terrain with rugged relief and relative elevations of 500 m or more within a radius of 25 km, as well as terrain with an absolute height of relief of 1,000 m and more.

Poverty Reduction Strategy.

National Policies
Décembre, 2007

Liberia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) is built on the foundation of the Government’s 150-Day Action Plan. The PRS is part of a longer-term continuum of the Government’s strategy for rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth and poverty reduction, including progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The PRS covers the three-year period from April 2008 to June 2011.

Rwanda Environmental Policy.

National Policies
Décembre, 2002

The protection and management of environment are among the pillars of Vision 2020. The objective of the Government is that by 2020, it will have built a nation in which pressure on natural resources, particularly on land, water, biomass and biodiversity, has significantly been reduced and the process of environmental pollution and degradation has been reversed; a nation in which the management and protection of these resources and environment are more rational and well regulated in order to preserve and bequeath to future generations the basic wealth necessary for sustainable development.

Reglamento de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente en materia de Autorregulación y Auditorías Ambientales.

Avril, 2010

El presente ordenamiento tiene por objeto reglamentar la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente en su Capítulo IV, Sección VII, en materia de Autorregulación y Auditorías Ambientales. Las Auditorías Ambientales y la Autorregulación, de carácter voluntario, tendrán como propósito la observancia de los principios de política ambiental.

National Action Plan of the Republic of Tajikistan for Climate Change Mitigation.

National Policies
Juin, 2003

This National Action Plan developed in 2003 by the Republic of Tajikistan is a national-wide policy aiming at implementing the commitments of the Republic of Tajikistan concerning the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Thus, the document indicates the priorities and measures to be undertaken to address the problem of climate change, to develop a capacity for further research and analysis of the climate system, its variability and change, to strengthen the international cooperation and joined efforts to mitigate climate change.

Agricultural Policy and Strategic Framework, June 2017.

National Policies
Mai, 2017

This revised agricultural policy and strategic framework provides a coherent policy framework to address the key challenges in Timor-Leste. The Government recognizes that there is no simple "solution by technology". The Government will therefore re-orient agricultural and rural development policies that will redefine incentives and reduce barriers to food and agricultural systems transformation. Particular attention will be given to supporting small-scale, low-income farmers in strengthening their capacity to manage risks and adopt effective strategies to adapt to climate change.