Está demostrado que pueblos indígenas y comunidades locales tienen un papel decisivo frente a la crisis climática al ser los mejores guardianes de los ecosistemas que habitan, señala la coordinadora de la Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra en América Latina y el Caribe (ILC LAC)
La noche del 29 de septiembre de 2023 se realizó la presentación del libro “Acceso a la tierra y territorio. Una oportunidad para superar las desigualdades en Bolivia”, en un auditorio que sumó a más de cien personas interesadas en la temática. Ante la ausencia de Eulogio Núñez, director nacional del INRA, Juan de Dios Fernández, director de planificación de esta institución asumió la representación. Además, compartieron la testera Alejandro Almaraz, abogado y ex Viceministro de Tierras y Leonardo Tamburini, investigador y apoyo legal de organizaciones de tierras bajas. Junto a ellos y como anfitriones tuvimos a Lisbeth España, coordinadora de programas de Oxfam Bolivia y Oscar Bazoberry, coordinador general del IPDRS.
This publication provides practical and evidence-based guidance on how to improve women’s access to land as an essential element to achieve social and economic development and enjoyment of human rights, peace and stability in the specific context of the Muslim world. The challenges faced by women living in Muslim contexts do not substantially differ from those faced by women in other parts of the world: socially prescribed gender roles, unequal power dynamics, discriminatory family practices, unequal access to justice are the most common.
Geoffrey Payne outlines five fundamental propositions that are key to his understanding of tenure issues and policy options.
These are:
1) That access to affordable land with adequate security of tenure and associated rights is a pre-condition for realising the goal of adequate housing and poverty reduction;
2016 saw a record 200 killings of people defending their land, forests and rivers against destructive industries.
It has never been deadlier to take a stand against companies that steal land and destroy the environment. Our new report Defenders of the Earth found that nearly four people were murdered every week in 2016 protecting their land and the natural world from industries like mining, logging and agribusiness.