From August 22nd to September 15th 2017 the Land Development and Governance Institute (LDGI) and Land Portal Foundation will co- facilitate an online debate that will involve the contribution of major stakeholders focusing on contemporary Kenyan land governance issues.
Land governance concerns the rules, processes and structures through which decisions are made about access to land and its use, the manner in which the decisions are implemented and enforced, the way that competing interests in land are managed. Since the promulgation of the New Kenyan constitution in 2010, the system of land governance has tremedously improved. This is through creation of new and more effective land governance institutions and enactment of new land laws.
- Increase exchange of information between a variety of stakeholders on Land governance in Kenya.
- Increase awareness of the practical implications of sustainable and good land governance by the stakeholders, land institutions and the land owners.
- Engage and amplify voices from Kenya to contribute to solutions in their own country, and throughout the global south, that will improve land governance.
- Generate dialogue that can inform potential strategies and actions to improve responsible land governance practices in Kenya.
Dialogue Questions
- What is the current situation of Land governance in Kenya?
- What is the way forward towards achieving sustainable land governance in Kenya? - What mechanism can be put in place to ensure that the compensation to any land compulsorily acquired is fair and benefits all the legitimate beneficiaries?
-How can the land governance institutions involved ensure that the affected communities benefit from the land compulsorily acquired for investment purposes? - What is the impact of the land use trends in Kenya today?
-What can be done to promote sustainable land use in Kenya? - What lessons can we learn from the Land governance system in Kenya?
How to participate?
To participate in the discussion, one needs to log in or register. Feel free to make more than one contribution and answer as many questions as you can and then upload your contributions to the dialogue.
You can also send your answers by email to either or .