The Regional Office for Africa advocates for strong regional partnerships and timely Country Office support.
The substantive technical work of the Regional Office focuses on co-ordinating normative work and its policy dimensions and leadership of the regional dimension of the Organization’s technical networks.
Three main areas characterize the African regional dimension: priority setting and strategic planning, partnership development, and resource mobilization.
The major actions of the Office in Africa put a particular emphasis on:
- Country Offices are the key to FAO's success
- Stronger, more demand-driven multi-disciplinary technical teams
- Intensified regional administrative and operational support and Country Office oversight
- Full capitalization of the potential for extra-budgetary funding
- Focused policy dialogue
- Strengthened support to Pan-African institutions
The Office works at greater focus on high level dialogue and policy formulation in partnership with regional organizations, as well as greater support to the other decentralized offices through closer oversight and support. With its skill-mix technical teams, it makes a point in focusing on country level activities by the multi-disciplinary teams as well as stronger, specific partnerships with the Regional Economic Communities.
Displaying 31 - 35 of 107The Voluntary Guidelines: Securing our rights - Senegal River Basin
This publication will demonstrate how the project was a catalyst leading to improvements in conditions in the Senegal River Basin, under which land is held or occupied in agriculture sectors. The VGGT addresses problems of weak governance of tenure and the growing pressure on natural resources, assisting countries to achieve food security for all. The project focused on four separate Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) located in Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal.
Atelier de lancement du processus de formulation de la politique foncière rurale au Niger
Le 21 mars 2019, s’est tenu à Niamey dans la salle de réunion de l’hôtel Sahel, un atelier de lancement du processus de formulation de la politique foncière rurale au Niger.
L’atelier est organisé par le Secrétariat Permanent du Code Rural avec l’appui technique et financier de la FAO. Il vise de facon générale à lancer le processus deformulation de la politique foncière.
A legislação sobre o acesso aos recursos naturais em Moçambique: o impacto das novas leis e das consultas comunitárias sobre o bem-estar a nível local
Este relatório considera um dos aspectos práticos mais importantes da participação
local na Lei de Terras e outra legislação sobre recursos naturais: a consulta
comunitária, através da qual os estranhos – o Estado, novos investidores, empresas
madeireiras, grupos de hotéis – obtêm acesso à terra e recursos locais com a
Nature & Faune 30(1): La gestion durable des sols: clé pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition en Afrique
Cette édition de la Revue Nature & Faune est un numéro spécial pour marquer 2015 comme l’ Année internationale des sols. Elle comporte trente articles concis qui abordent le thème central suivant: «La gestion durable des sols: clé pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition en Afrique ».
Nature & Faune 30(1): La gestion durable des sols: clé pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition en Afrique
Cette édition de la Revue Nature & Faune est un numéro spécial pour marquer 2015 comme l’ Année internationale des sols. Elle comporte trente articles concis qui abordent le thème central suivant: «La gestion durable des sols: clé pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition en Afrique ».