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Biblioteca Range Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 396).

Range Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 396).

Range Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 396).

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This Act gives the power to "regional and district managers" to grant rights over Crown range in the form of grazing licences, grazing permits, temporary grazing permits, hay cutting licences and hay cutting permits (sect. 3). Crown range means land included within the boundaries of a range district as established under this Act, but does not include land that is subject to a lease issued under the Land Act (sect. 1). Procedures for applications and fees are spelled out in sections 10-19. Section 14(1) and 14(2) deal with direct awards of licences or permits. Section 14(3) outlines conditions that may be imposed on such awards. Provisions on the transfer and disposition of licences are under sections 20-24. A regional manager may change conditions applying to a licence or permit at his/her discretion and no damages or compensation may be claimed except as set out in sections 27-29. The remaining provisions concern reporting requirements for grazing, increase of animal unit months or quantity of hay, the power of the district manager to consolidate, subdivide, suspend, reinstate and cancel licences, etc, review and appeals from such decisions, offences and regulatory powers of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Implemented by: Range Regulation (B.C. Reg.199/00). (2000-06-08)
Implemented by: Administrative Review and Appeal Procedure Regulation (B.C. Reg. 114/99). (2001-03-30)
Repealed by: Range Act ([SBC 2004] Chapter 71). (2015-12-18)

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