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The complexity and magnitude of issues pertaining to land administration and management in Bangladesh cannot be overstated. The nature and volume of land disputes in the nation indicate the inefficiency of the land administration system and land dispute resolution mechanisms. Especially multiple claims to the same property-fuelled by the uncoordinated land recording systems-are widespread. land grabbing presents huge legal and governance related challenges. Retooling the land management and administration system needs to be guided by a comprehensive lnad policy that deals with tall major issues in a comprehensive manner. The research was conducted by number of civil society organisations who are directly working on the land sector to review all the land laws of Bangladesh and relevant land-related documents, to identify and understand the aspects of mismanagement, mis-governance, exploitative and depriving situation in the land laws from the lense of poor, marginalized and landless people (including gender dimension). Finally, the research will support to furnish draft laws based on the recommendations from the review of different laws.