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Trusts (Special Provisions) Act 1989.

América Septentrional

This Act regulates certain aspects of trusts, i.e. a legal relationship created, either inter-vivos or on death in which assets are placed under the control of a trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary or for a specified purpose. Matters regulated include: governing law; capacity to create trusts; and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. One Part of the Act is dedicated to special purpose trusts, i.e. trust created for a non-charitable purpose or purposes. No interest in land in Bermuda shall be held, directly or indirectly, in a purpose trust.

Wills Act 1988.

América Septentrional

This Act regulates inheritance by will of real estate and other property. The Act concerns, among other things: the drafting and interpretation of wills; the capacity to make wills; property disposable by will; validity of wills; and devise of real estate to more than one person.

Land Titles Act 1996.

Isla Norfolk

This Act makes provision for the registration of title in land and defines effects of registration of title. The Act also provides other rules relative to dealings in land. Land in respect of which title has been registered under this Act may not be transferred, mortgaged, leased or otherwise dealt with, and an instrument that purports to deal with such land shall not be registered, except in accordance with this Act. Rights in land shall be registered with the Registrar of Titles of Norfolk Island.

Ley Nº 717 - Ley creadora del Fondo para compra de tierras con equidad de género para mujeres rurales.

América central

La presente Ley crea el Fondo para compra de tierras con equidad de género para mujeres rurales, con el fin de otorgar apropiación jurídica y material de la tierra a favor de las mujeres rurales con el objeto de mejorar la calidad de vida del núcleo familiar.

Lands Act, 2021 (1964).

Asia meridional

The Act consists of 11 Chapters divided into 64 articles: Preliminary (I); Abolition of Jimidari (II); Ceilings of Land (III); Acquisition of Land in Excess of Upper Ceiling (IV); Compensation (V); Sale and Disposal of Land (VI); Provisions Relating to Tenant (VII); Provisions on Rent (VIII); Provisions on Compulsory Saving and Debt (IX); Provisions Relating to Land-Use, Control of Land Fragmentation and Plotting (Chaklabandi) (IXA); Authorities and Procedures (X); Miscellaneous (XI).This Act abolishes the Jimidari system for the collection of land taxes.

Inheritance Act 1835.

América Septentrional

This Act regulates inheritance in general and in particular of land as defined in section 1. Section 3 concerns acquisition of land as a devisee, whereas section 4 provides for acquisition of land under certain limitations.

Administration of Estates Act 1974.

América Septentrional

This Act regulates the (grant of) administration of real and personal estates of deceased persons. The Act consists of 51 sections divided into 5 Parts.An application for the grant or revocation of probate or administration shall be made through the Registrar in the prescribed form. No grant shall be made by the Registrar until a contention is disposed of, or it appears to the Registrar that a grant ought not to be made without the direction of the Court.

Ley Nº 31 – Ley Marco de Autonomías y Descentralización.

América del Sur

La presente Ley regula el régimen de autonomías en base al artículo 271 de la Constitución Política del Estado y las bases de la organización territorial del Estado establecidos en su Parte Tercera, que dispone que Bolivia se constituye en un Estado Unitario Social de Derecho Plurinacional Comunitario, libre, independiente, soberano, democrático, intercultural, descentralizado y con autonomías, que garantiza la libre determinación de las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos preservando la unidad del país.

Ley de Derechos y Cultura Indígena para el Estado de Hidalgo.

América central

El objeto de esta Ley es fomentar las relaciones armoniosas y de cooperación entre el Estado de Hidalgo y los pueblos indígenas, basadas en los principios de la justicia, la democracia, la tolerancia, el respeto de los derechos humanos, la no discriminación y la buena fe. En este contexto, la Ley reconoce y garantiza los derechos de las comunidades indígenas, entre los que se incluye el acceso a la tenencia y propiedad de la tierra.

Real Property Limitation (Cap. 56:03).

Trinidad y Tabago

This Act places limits and restrictions on actions related to real property rights and regarding in particular recovery of land and rent. The Act provides rules for the accrual of the right to make entry or distress and defines rights of tenants. It also concerns limitation of action by mortgagees, mortgagors and heirs.

Wills and Probate Act (Cap. 9:03).

Trinidad y Tabago

This Act concerns, among other things, the making and execution of wills and probate of wills, and the administration of estates of deceased persons. It provides rules for legal proceedings regarding wills and the appointment of an administrator if a person dies intestate.