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African Conservation Centre



African Conservation Centre’s mission is to conserve biodiversity in East Africa and beyond through the collaborative application of scientific and indigenous knowledge, improved livelihoods and good governance through development of local institutions.


Through the years, we have stayed true to the following guiding values:

Innovate: Identify issues and develop innovative solutions to address the conservation challenges.


Founded in 1982, ENDA Pronat promotes climate resilient and sustainable rural development in Senegal by accompanying local communities, especially women and youth, to gain and maintain control over their lands and resources and use these sustainably for future generations. It does this through a combination of action-research, rural extension and agroecological training with farmers and women’s groups, and public education and policy work through advocacy with local and national authorities.

Insitute of Development Research and Development Policy


How do various forms of globalisation affect the economy, politics, and society at a national and subnational level? How does globalisation influence governance? How can the main and side effects of development programmes be measured? How can the use of resources be controlled in a sensible manner? Such questions that are relevant for scientific and practical international collaboration are looked at by around 50 researchers at IEE from an economic, legal, and social scientific perspective.

Instituto Socioambiental

O Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) é uma organização da sociedade civil brasileira, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 1994, para propor soluções de forma integrada a questões sociais e ambientais com foco central na defesa de bens e direitos sociais, coletivos e difusos relativos ao meio ambiente, ao patrimônio cultural, aos direitos humanos e dos povos.


Editora UFS

Editora UFS
A Editora UFS, composta pelo Conselho Editorial e pela Coordenação Gráfica, tem como missão atuar na divulgação da produção cultural e científica tanto da comunidade universitária quanto da sociedade como um todo. Através do lançamento periódico de editais e da publicação de obras avulsas, esta Editora tem realizado um trabalho de divulgação de obras científicas e culturais produzidas por autores sergipanos e do restante do Brasil.


Conservation International

A global conservation legacy

Conservation International works to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Since our inception, we’ve helped to protect more than 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million square miles) of land and sea across more than 70 countries. Currently with offices in 29 countries and 2,000 partners worldwide, our reach is truly global.

Our Mission

Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia (Green Advocates)

The Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia (Green Advocates) is Liberia's first and only public interest environmental law organization dedicated to  ensuring the protection of the environment, defending human rights, empowering and amplifying the voices of poor people who are victimized in resource exploitationand by using the rule of law to hold state and non state actors accountable for their actions.

Friends of Lake Turkana


Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT) is a grassroots organization, that works with and on behalf of the communities within the greater Turkana basin to demand their collective social, economic, environmental, cultural and territorial rights. Recognizing the anti-patriarchal struggle is a vision expressed in all areas of our work. Our mission is to; demand environmental and climate justice; secure land and territorial rights; advocate for meaningful participation of citizens in budget making processes, resource governance; and provide for women-led community advocacy


Water Action Hub

The Water Action Hub is a global online collaboration and knowledge sharing platform for water sustainability, developed by the CEO Water Mandate.

The Hub helps companies and other organizations address water risk and advance sustainable water management by:

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