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There are 9, 801 content items of different types and languages related to Utilización de la tierra on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2869 - 2880 of 4572

The social, economic and political mischief around land in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2017

Kenya’s land governance system is fashioned to facilitate land expropriation for the few and powerful who continue to resist reforms.

This is despite the fact that the dynamics of land reform are driven by apprehensions of mischief associated with the history that explains why the National Land Commission was established with mandate, independent of the Executive.


From the British conquest, Kenya’s land governance system was never meant to be inclusionary and equitable.

Persistence and change in Hakha Chin land and resource tenure

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2018

The research provides a holistic overview of the key changes that affected Northern Chin society from pre-colonial times up to now in villages close to Hakha town where State penetration was stronger than in more remote

areas. The study sheds light on the overlapping and evolving statutory and customary land systems and on the issues faced by contemporary Chin communities as they seek to govern land and natural resources.

A short socio-spatial history of Namibia (ILMI Working paper 9)

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2018

include a trajectory of Namibia’s socio-spatial development for the reader to engage with my work. The term ‘socio-spatial’ is to stress the spatial dimension within social processes. To have simply left the term ‘spatial’ would have missed the point of spatial production as a social process. In other words, space per se is not what is at stake here, but rather the dialectic relationship of how space is produced and at the same time it transforms those who inhabit it. Therefore, what I would like to encompass is not merely town planning schemes, houses, or public spaces, but also spatial so

The future Okavango project: SP05 - Impacts of altered land use practises on the plant related ESF&S. TFO fieldwork report 2010 - 2012 for task 6 of SP05: Timber provision of Burkea Woodlands

Diciembre, 2013

This short field work report gives an overview of the forest inventory work done during the first two years of The Future Okavango (TFO) project, a project implemented till 2015 and funded by the

German Ministry of Education and Research. TFO aims to integrate ecosystem functions and services into an ecological and economic approach to sustainable land management at a regional scale.

Farmers on the move : mobility, access to land and conflict in Central and South Mali

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

In contrast to their sedentary image, farmers in Central and South Mali are surprisingly mobile. Many have settled in scattered farming hamlets where they are rapidly expanding the areas under agriculture. This study focuses on farmers’ mobility in relation to accessing land in two regions in Mali where farming conditions are very different regarding rainfall, population growth and opportunities for income generation. It is shown that differences in farming conditions in the two regions have shaped the different temporal and spatial dimensions of farmers’ mobility.

Landscapes of deracialization : power, brokerage and place-making on a South African frontier

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013
África austral

This thesis deals with the politicized struggles for land in South Africa’s Limpopo Province. With land having been an essential part of colonial and apartheid segregation policies and practice – with 87% of land appropriated by whites –, a land reform programme was imperative after the African National Congress came to power in 1994. One of the three branches of the land reform programme, land restitution, is a key focus of this thesis.

De effecten van een open basisregistratie topografie (BRT)

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

Op 1 januari 2012 is basisregistratie topografie (BRT) als open data aan de maatschappij ter beschikking gesteld. Deze stap zal zeer waarschijnlijk aanzienlijke effecten hebben op het gebruik van deze gegevens. Wat deze effecten zijn is echter onbekend. Om meer inzicht in deze effecten te krijgen is door de Wageningen Universiteit en het Kadaster en monitor ontwikkeld. Deze monitor richt zich, via indicatoren, op het meten van de effecten op de maatschappij (externe effecten), de interactie tussen het Kadaster en de maatschappij (relatie effecten) en het Kadaster (interne effecten).

Spatial modelling and ecosystem accounting for land use planning: addressing deforestation and oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2015

Ecosystem accounting is a new area of environmental economic accounting that aims to measure ecosystem services in a way that is in line with national accounts. The key characteristics of ecosystem accounting include the extension of the valuation boundary of the System of National Accounts, allowing the inclusion of a broader set of ecosystem services types such regulating services and cultural services. Consistent with the principles of national account, ecosystem accounting focuses on assessment of the contribution of ecosystem in generating benefits for human well-being.

Modellering van verandering van grondgebruik en bosbouw in een algemeen evenwichtsmodel

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

Bij veel onderzoeksvragen bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving en Wageningen UR spelen ontbossing en bosbouw een belangrijke rol. Om de effecten te analyseren voor grondgebruik van het beleid voor biobrandstoffen, landbouw of handel wordt vaak het algemene evenwichtsmodel MAGNET van LEI Wageningen UR gebruikt. Een van de sterke kanten van dit model van de wereldeconomie is de aandacht voor grondaanbod. Recent is een nieuwe benadering voor de dynamiek van de grondmarkt en de rol van bosbouw ontwikkeld.