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Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Preah Vihear province

Mayo, 2011

Determining 9,913 hectares as sustainable use zone in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Romny commune of Roveang district in Preah Vihear province, and granting the land for agro-industry and animals raising investment to Sovannphum Viniyok Kase-Usahakam.

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 7,750 hectares of land in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Anlongveng district of Oudor Meanchey province

Julio, 2011

Reclassifying 7,750 hectares as state private land in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Anlong Veng district of Oudor Meanchey province for agro-industry investment under lease or concession condition.

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 9,913 hectares of land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Romny commune of Roveang district in Preah Vihear province

Julio, 2011

Reclassifying 9,913 hectares as state private land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Romny commune of Roveang district in Preah Vihear province for agro-industry and animals raising investment under lease or concession condition.

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 4,095 hectares of land in Roneam Daunsom Wildlife Sanctuary in Sampov Lun and Phnom Prek districts of Battambang province

Mayo, 2011

Reclassifying 4,095 hectares as state private land in Roneam Daunsom Wildlife Sanctuary in Sampov Lun and Phnom Prek districts of Battambang province for agro-industry investment.

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of State Permanent Forest Reserve and Granting Economic Land Concession to Private Company for Rubber Plantation Investment in Kratie province

Junio, 2008

Classifying 520 hectares of Permanent Forest Reserve (forest concession area of SL. International Ltd) in 2 Thnou commune of Snoul district in Kratie province as conversion forest for development purposes, and reclassifying the land from state public land to state private land for granting Economic Land Concession to Therak Viniyo company.