Sub-decree No. 27 on Cutting and Reclassifying 2,807.67 hectares of ELCs in Uddor Meanchey Province.
Cutting 2,807.67 ha in Khnorng Toul Meanchey village of Phaov commune in Trapang Prasat district of Uddor Meanchey province: 1,255.03 ha from ELC of Tomring Rubber, and 1,552.64 ha from ELC of Tay Ninh Siem Reap Aphivath Caoutchouc; Reclassifying 1,734.54 ha as state private land for donating to 347 families; Reserving 1,073.13 ha for physical infrastructure development; and Granting ownership to 556 private land parcels and 2 public land parcel.