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Displaying 157 - 168 of 274

La ciudad com-fusa: mercado y producción de la estructura urbana en las grandes metrópolis latinoamericanas

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo, 2012
América central
América del Sur

Con la crisis del fordismo urbano, el mercado inmobiliario ha resurgido como una fuerza determinante del proceso de coordinación social del uso del suelo y la producción de estructura intraurbana. Es el retorno de la "mano invisible" del mercado. En este artículo se analiza la relación entre la producción de estructura urbana y el funcionamiento del mercado inmobiliario en América Latina, tanto en su versión formal como en la informal.

Fermeture résidentielle et politiques urbaines, le cas marseillais Diffusion of closed residentials and urban policy, the case of Marseille (France)

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2012

La fermeture résidentielle à Marseille se caractérise par son intensité (presque 20 % du total des logements de la commune) et son emprise spatiale très forte dans certains quartiers (plus de 40 % de leur surface urbanisée). Issu d’une recherche de 3 ans et d’un rapport de recherche remis au PUCA en 2010 (« La diffusion des ensembles résidentiels fermés à Marseille.

Allotment plan as a condition for sustainable development on the example of detailed regulation 'Stanko Vlasotinčanin' in Nis

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2012

In order to protect the environment and creation the conditions for a good and healthy life, the construction of buildings should be sustainable. It is essential that the entire process that includes planning, design and realization, be consistent with bioclimatic principles. Allotment plan should be an integral part of the planning process because it is an instrument to control the use of construction land and prevention the negative consequences that are created by uncontrolled action of the market.

Recalling community: Using material culture and digital archives in Salford

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2012
África austral

This article explores strategies for engaging geographically fragmented urban communities as active participants in conceptually re-mapping their former localities. It looks in detail at the ongoing Retracing Salford project in Salford, UK, which employs the use of everyday objects and oral histories to engage and enable former residents to reconnect with their recently demolished neighbourhoods and each other. The project also seeks to document an urban working class history largely overlooked by the large-scale institutions.

Questão agrária, território e meio ambiente no Brasil: Os limites da transição para uma agricultura sustentável

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2009

This paper discusses the agrarian problem in Brazilian rural areas from the environmental point of view. The objective is to examine how the private appropriation of the Brazilian rural space came about, attributing to the environmental factor a role whose logic was relevant in the inherited agricultural context. According to this hypothesis, the specificity of the private appropriation process of public land, after 1850, is the origin of agricultural and environmental problems in the Brazilian rural space.

Recalling community: Using material culture and digital archives in Salford

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2012
África austral

This article explores strategies for engaging geographically fragmented urban communities as active participants in conceptually re-mapping their former localities. It looks in detail at the ongoing Retracing Salford project in Salford, UK, which employs the use of everyday objects and oral histories to engage and enable former residents to reconnect with their recently demolished neighbourhoods and each other. The project also seeks to document an urban working class history largely overlooked by the large-scale institutions.

Desafios do Planejamento Urbano no Brasil e seus Marcos Legais sob a Ótica da Agricultura Urbana

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2015

Diante de um futuro incerto de mudanças climáticas, prevê-se um colapso em grandes cidades do mundo. O cenário é produto da insegurança alimentar gerada pelo distanciamento da agricultura local das áreas adjacentes ao espaço urbano, contexto já identificado em algumas civilizações no passado. Sob a perspectiva, assume-se que ações de planejamento urbano devem estar integradas a estratégias de produção de alimentos a incluir iniciativas em favor da agricultura urbana e periurbana, e de práticas da permacultura.


Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2014

The Enna Province is characterized by a low degree of economic, infrastructural and industrial development. Its hilly territory is a fair combination of many different and integrated landscapes. These conditions suggest the possibility of a sustainable development pattern in which the slow mobility, because of the low level of land infrastructures, can become one of the most important network


Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2017

Mahakam Ulu Regency is a new municipality that had been developed in 2012. Ujoh Bilang City is the new Capital City that planned as the Capital City of Mahakam Ulu Regency. The natural condition and local culture in this city create strong local characters. There are some natural and cultural condition in Ujoh Bilang City such as Geological Karst, fertile alluvium soil (nearby the Mahakam River), liveable Dayak culture that should be protected, and attended to the ecological landscape values.

Impactos del desarrollo inmobiliario en localidades costeras del Área Metropolitana de Valparaíso, Chile./ Impact of real estate development of four coastal villages of Valparaiso Metropolitan Area.

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2013

El presente artículo es un extracto de la investigación “Impacto del Desarrollo inmobiliario y turístico de pequeñas localidades balneario del litoral central chileno: localización de departamentos y resort, gentrificación urbano costera y nuevas demografías residenciales”,cuyo objetivo fue “estudiar el impacto que tiene el crecimiento del sector turístico-inmobiliario, sus efectos en la valorización del suelo urbano y recambio socio demográfico o inmigración queoperan en dos zonas de expansión del área metropolitana de Valparaíso, su eje Norte conformado por la intercomuna desde Concón has

Methodology for estimating implied energy consumption in the urban growth of diffuse cities

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2015

The urbanization trend in Latin American cities is currently one of the highest in the world. It determines that the increase in urban area is greater than the rate of population growth. In turn, cities use 75% of the energy consumed on the planet. For this reason, they are responsible in equal proportion for the production of greenhouse gases. In response, urban planning should incorporate design strategies to reduce said consumption. As an alternative to this trend, the objective of this investigation is to assess the impact of the different models of urban growth for the same city.