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Law No. 34/2014 on the second amendment of Law No. 54/2005 establishing the title ownership of water resources.

Europa meridional

This Law establishes the second amendment of Law No. 54/2005 regulating the title ownership of water resources. Amendments deal with the updating of its provisions concerning the requirements and dead lines necessary for obtaining the title recognition of internal land, borders of river or coastal areas related to marine or any other navigable water courses, with their respective beds, and even the banks belonging to public entities.

Manitoba Natural Resources Transfer Act (C.C.S.M. c. N30).

América Septentrional

The present Act consists of 2 sections and 1 Schedule containing an Agreement between the government of Canada and the government of the Province of Manitoba on transfer of control over Crown lands and natural resources to Manitoba. The Agreement deals with the following issues: transfer of public lands generally, school lands funds and school lands, water, fisheries, Indian reserves, national parks, seed, grain, general reservation to Canada, historic sites, birds, sanctuaries, financial terms.

Yale First Nation Final Agreement.

América Septentrional

The present Agreement - made under section 35 of the Constitutino of Canada - constitutes the full and final settlement in respect of the aboriginal rights, including aboriginal title, in Canada of Yale First Nation. For the purpose of the present Agreement “section 35 Rights of Yale First Nation” means the rights, anywhere in Canada, of Yale First Nation, that are recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

Umbrella Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, the Council for Yukon Indians and the Government of the Yukon.

América Septentrional

The present Agreement is a political or policy document between the Government of Canada, Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations as represented by the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN). This Agreement is a common template for negotiating First Nation Final Agreements. It is important to note that the Umbrella Final Agreement, on its own, is not a legally enforceable document.

Agricultural Sector Development Strategy 2010–2020.

National Policies
África oriental

This Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS) is the overall national policy document for the agricultural sector ministries and stakeholders in Kenya. The agricultural sector comprises the following subsectors: crops, livestock, fisheries, land, water, cooperatives, environment, regional development and forestry. The sector also includes the development of arid and semi-arid lands.

Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) (Wales) Regulations 2004 (W.S.I. No. 3223 (W. 328) of 2014).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Regulations make provision in Wales for the administration and enforcement of compliance of farmers with in relation to payments granted directly to farmers under the Regulation (EU) No. 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing rules for direct payments to farmers under support schemes within the framework of the common agricultural policy and rural development payments under Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

XIIème Plan de Développement 2010-2014.

National Policies
África septentrional

Le présent document a pour objet le XIIème Plan de Développement 2010-2014, un plan intersectoriel de portée nationale. Le schéma de développement pour la période 2010-2014 vise la concrétisation du programme présidentiel «Ensemble relevons les défis» qui aspire à faire progresser la Tunisie vers une étape avancée de son processus de rattrapage des pays développés et la réduction du taux de pauvreté au niveau le plus bas.

Resolución Nº 58/2007 - Apruébanse las aperturas inferiores del primer nivel operativo de la Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros.

América del Sur

La presente Resolución regula la organización y el funcionamiento del primer nivel operativo de la Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros, de acuerdo al organigrama, las acciones y la dotación que se detallan en los Anexos I, II y III. Por otro lado, los Anexos IV y V regulan las acciones y organizacón de las coordinaciones de dicha Secretaría.

Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 (S.I. No. 70 of 2015).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Order grants, subject to certain conditions, planning permission for certain classes of development under Part 3 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011. Conditions are prescribed in part by regulations 55 and 56 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 and for, among others, so-called EIA development, certain waterworks and development to be carried out on land which is within or affects: (i) a conservation area; (ii) a National Park; (iii) a nature reserve; (iv) an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 (S.I. No. 72 of 2015).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Order permits the management of development within a new two tier planning system with both district councils and the Department of the Environment operating as planning authorities where appropriate. An application for planning permission is to be made to the appropriate council or, as the case may be, the Department. The Order also deals with consultation before the grant of planning permission for development outlined in Schedule 3 and other procedures relative to planning permission application. Schedule 3 development also concerns water.

Décret n° 100-243 du 06 octobre 2013 portant réglementation de l’intercommunalité au Burundi.

África oriental

Le présent décret détermine les conditions de création et de fonctionnement de la coopération intercommunale.Les Communes peuvent s’associer dans le cadre d’un Groupement pour la Coopération Intercommunale (GCI) en vue de réaliser une œuvre d’intérêt commun relevant de leurs compétences, notamment les schémas d’aménagement ruraux ou urbains; les actions de développement économique; la protection et la mise en valeur de l’environnement; la production et la distribution d’eau; l’enlèvement et le traitement des ordures ménagères.