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IssuesMedio ambienteLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 260 content items of different types and languages related to Medio ambiente on the Land Portal.

Medio ambiente


Displaying 2497 - 2508 of 3173

Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Rural Development of the Republic of India on Land Resource Management, Land Administration and Immigrant Resettlement.

International Conventions or Treaties
Enero, 2008

Both Parties agree to cooperate on land resource management,land administration and immigrant resettlement. The cooperation mentioned in this Memorandum of Understanding may include, but is not limited to, the following areas of common interest:   1. Development, protection, management and utilization of land resources;   2. Land information management, land surveys, cadastre updates, land registration, statistics, valuation, and the application of modern technologies in these areas;   3. Land use planning;   4. Land market, land allocation, relevant laws and regulations;   5.

Coastal Management Act 2016.

Junio, 2016

The objects of this Act are to manage the coastal environment of New South Wales in a manner consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development for the social, cultural and economic well-being of the people of the State, and in particular: (a) to protect and enhance natural coastal processes and coastal environmental values including natural character, scenic value, biological diversity and ecosystem integrity and resilience, and (b) to support the social and cultural values of the coastal zone and maintain public access, amenity, use and safety, and (c) to acknowledge A

Land Use Planning Act.

Diciembre, 2008

The main aim of the present Act is to ensure that the entire territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and the related regions shall be developed, organized and protected by general regional plans. In so doing 1) differing requirements shall be harmonized and related conflicts shall be solved at local planning level; 2) provisions shall be made regarding specific activities and individual land uses. The text consists of 29 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: General provisions (I).

Decreto-Ley Nº 2811 - Aprueba el Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente. Texto consolidado.

Diciembre, 1974

El Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente, consta de 340 artículos organizados en dos libros: Del Ambiente (Libro Primero) y De la Propiedad, Uso e Influencia Ambiental de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (Libro Segundo).

Arrêté du 9 février 2017 modifiant l'arrêté du 10 novembre 2016 fixant les régions concernées par les dispositions d'autorisation préalable au retournement ou de reconversion de prairies permanentes suite à la dégradation de leur ratio annuel de prairi...

Noviembre, 2016

Le présent arrêté définit les régions concernées par les dispositions d'autorisation préalable au retournement ou de reconversion de prairies permanentes suite à la dégradation de leur ratio annuel de prairies permanentes relatives au paiement pour les pratiques agricoles bénéfiques pour le climat et l'environnement dit « paiement vert » prévu par la politique agricole commune.

National Action Plan on strengthening capacity to respond to challenges of biodiversity conservation, climate change and desertification/land degradation (2006-2015).

National Policies
Diciembre, 2004

This Action Plan is a national Plan with a cross-sectoral approach, addressing issues falling under its mandate in an integrated way. The timeframe is 10 years between 2006 and 2015.

Protected Areas Act 2011 (No. 14 of 2011).

Septiembre, 2011

This Act provides for the establishment of the Protected Areas Commission, the Protected Areas Trust and a Trust Fund and empowers the Minister to declare national protected areas. It applies to the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, fishery zone and continental shelf as defined in the Maritime Zones Act 2010. The Act alos provides with respect to the National Protected Areas System and allows village councils to apply to the Commission for village lands or any part thereof to be recognised as an Amerindian protected area.

Planning Regulation 2017.

Mayo, 2017

The objective of the Planning Regulation 2017 is to prescribe instruments and address matters provided for under the Planning Act 2016, and provide the mechanics for the operation and implementation of the Act.

Decreto Supremo Nº 011-2017-MINAM ─ Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo.

Noviembre, 2017

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo, que constituyen un referente obligatorio para el diseño y aplicación de los instrumentos de gestión ambiental, y son aplicables para aquellos parámetros asociados a las actividades productivas, extractivas y de servicios.

Environmental Quality Standard for Soils of the People's Republic of China.

Diciembre, 1994

The State Environment Protection Bureau approves this Standard, which aim at preventing soil pollution, protecting ecological environment, ensuring agriculture and forestry industry, and ensuring human safety. It rules the maximum density of pollutant in soils in accordance with its function, protection objective and the character of the soil. In part 3 it classifies the environmental quality of soils into three grades, part 4 is the standard for each grade, part 5 is the examination standard.

Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF COTE D’IVOIRE)

National Policies
Diciembre, 2015
Côte d'Ivoire

La vision globale du Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF) est de : restaurer la productivité des ressources forestières et de les gérer de manière durable ; créer des incitations ; sécuriser le régime foncier et les droits d'accès aux terres en vue de créer un environnement propice à la transformation ; et mettre en œuvre l’agriculture zéro déforestation pour réduire la pression sur les forêts et améliorer les moyens de subsistance.Pour la réalisation de cette vision, quatre (4) objectifs spécifiques ont été identifiés, notamment: Restaurer, protéger et surveiller les forêts naturelles dan