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Displaying 1681 - 1692 of 1693

Guardianas del Territorio

Abril, 2022
América Latina y el Caribe

La serie microdocumental Guardianas del Territorioes una producción audiovisual de cuatro capítulos que narra las historias de diferentes grupos de mujeres defensoras ambientales que luchan día a día ante el avance extractivista en Argentina, el cambio climático y las violencias de género en el cuerpo-territorio.


¿Quiénes son las Guardianas del Territorio?




La Vida entre Pérdidas y Daños: Narrativas Centroamericanas

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2022
América central

Es importante notar que las pérdidas y daños tienen una dimensión económica pero también tienen una dimensión no-económica. Los aspectos no económicos pueden incluir la cultura, tradiciones, idiomas, etc. Las pérdidas y daños tienen un impacto significativo en los derechos humanos de las personas y sus comunidades (Serdeczny 2019; Martínez et al. 2022; Martínez 2021; Albar et al. 2020).

Translation of Global Climate Change Discourses to the Local Policies, and the Resilience of Pastoralists

Peer-reviewed publication
Noviembre, 2020

The paper focused on the need to document impacts of the global climate discourses at the local levels. In addition, it sought to fill the lacuna on the translation of discourses insofar as pastoralists land rights’ and adaptation are concerned, while looking at translation and implementation of these discourses. Theoretically, the paper employed the Actor-Network-Theory where civil society organizations are hinged around key actors in formulating Kenya climate law.

Analysis of Factors influencing Vulnerability of Fishing Systems to Climate Change among Artisanal Fisher-folks in Coastal area of Lagos, Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2019

Climate change poses serious challenges to the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture systems, with severe implications for the majority people who depend on them largely for their livelihoods. Therefore, this study investigates factors influencing the vulnerability of fishing activities to climate change among artisanal fisher-folks in coastal area of Lagos, Nigeria. A three-stage random sampling technique was used to select 342 artisanal fishers from the study area.

Gender Inequality and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Food Security in Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2020

This paper assessed gender inequality in household resources, particularly land ownership, division of labour and decision making as regards climate change adaptation strategies for household food security. The results show that gender inequality exists among the pastoralists in terms of household division of labour, ownership of resources and decision-making such that women do not control important productive resources such as land and livestock which make them more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and less able to adapt to it.

Hello Can You Hear me? On Climate Change: Inequalities And Gender Vulnerability In Benin

Peer-reviewed publication
Febrero, 2020

This paper focuses on gender mainstreaming in modeling the impacts of climate change by development sector. Inspired by the methodologies of the Guillaumont economic vulnerability index (2008, 2009) and the UNDP poverty vulnerability ratio (2011), a synthetic index called the ‘Index of Inequality of Gender Vulnerability to Climate Change (IIGVcc)’, which is a modeling by development sector, of vulnerability inequalities to climate change between men and women, is proposed.

Cambio climático en Santa Cruz. Nexos entre clima, agricultura y deforestación

Reports & Research
Julio, 2023

La investigación: 'Cambio climático en Santa Cruz. Nexos entre clima, agricultura y deforestación' aborda uno de los problemas climáticos y ambientales más complejos de Bolivia.

La presente investigación aborda uno de los problemas climáticos y ambientales más complejos de Bolivia. Nos referimos al cambio de clima en Santa Cruz y sus nexos con la agricultura y la deforestación.

El Cambio Climático y la Tierra

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2022

Informe especial del IPCC sobre el cambio climático, la desertificación, la degradación de las tierras, la gestión sostenible de las tierras, la seguridad alimentaria y los flujos de gases de efecto invernadero en los ecosistemas terrestres.