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Mercados de Terras no Brasil Estrutra e Dinâmica

Journal Articles & Books
Abril, 2006

O tema do mercado de terras integra a agenda contemporânea das políticas agrárias, tanto no Brasil como em outros países. No caso brasileiro, decorre da história de ocupação do território e da própria formação social e econômica que produziram um quadro de ilegalidade, de instabilidade jurídica e de fragilidade institucional. A expansão da fronteira agrícola com base no agronegócio patronal, em especial na cultura da soja na região da Amazônia Legal, combinada com as ações de reforma agrária, ampliam a importância deste tema e seus impactos sobre a economia e a sociedade.

Assessing Implementation of CAADP in Tanzania and Engagement of Smallholder Farmers

Reports & Research
Julio, 2013

Specific objectives of the study included reviewing the state of implementation of CAADP in Tanzania in the context of on-going multiple development initiatives; identifying and analyse gaps on policies and frameworks related to CAADP implementation; making objective analysis of commitment of the Government of Tanzania to 2003 Maputo Declaration; and assessing engagement of small scale farmers in CAADP process in Tanzania

Resolución Nº 353/15/MINAGRI - Lineamientos para la ejecución y aprobación de estudios de levantamiento de suelos para la clasificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor, con fines de saneamiento físico legal y formalización del territorio de la...

América del Sur

La presente Resolución aprueba los Lineamientos para la ejecución y aprobación de estudios de levantamiento de suelos para la clasificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor (CTCUM), con fines de saneamiento físico legal y formalización del territorio de las Comunidades Nativas, que se establecen sobre la base del interés público para la titulación del territorio de las Comunidades Nativas, el cual tiene como limitación la aptitud forestal de la tierra, supuesto en el cual solo se entrega en cesión en uso.

Afar National Regional State Rural Lands Administration and Use Proclamation No. 49/2009.

África oriental

This Proclamation of the Afar National Regional State establishes a rural land administration system that is suitable for natural resource management and protection and that incentivizes investment within the traditional clan-based communal land tenure system. Laws that pertain to lands designated as forest lands, wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity protected lands, environmental and natural resource conservation and preservation areas shall not be affected by this Proclamation. The Proclamation, among other things: provides for survey, registration, certification etc.

Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Act, 2013 (No. 13 of 2013).

África oriental

This Act provides for the establishment of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority, the administration of matters of agriculture and the preservation, utilization and development of agricultural land and related matters."Agriculture" in this Act means cultivation of land and the use of land and water for any purpose of husbandry, aquaculture and food production and includes: (a) cultivation of crops and horticultural practice within the meaning of the Crops Act; (b) breeding of aquatic animals and plants in the Kenya fishery waters and sea ranching and fish farming in the sea as provi

Plan d’Action National pour la Lutte Contre la Désertification aux Comores PAN/LCD.

National Policies
África oriental

L’Union des Comores a élaboré le présent Plan d’Action National de Lutte contre la Désertification (PAN), afin de se conformer au Plan-cadre décennal stratégique 2008-2018 qui a reformé la Convention des Nations Unies sur la Lutte contre la Désertification (CLD).

Ninth Development Plan 2007-2013.

National Policies
Asia occidental

The Ninth Development Plan is a national plan with a sectoral approach covering the period 2007–2013. The main objectives of the Plan are: a) increasing competitiveness, b) increasing employment, c) strengthening human development and social solidarity, d) ensuring regional development, e) increasing quality and effectiveness in public services. The Plan also aims at protecting the environment and improving urban infrastructure, making agricultural structures more efficient and promoting the development of rural areas.Food security is among the specific objectives of the Plan.

Decreto Supremo Nº 017/09/AG - Reglamento de calificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de calificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor, con la finalidad de promover y difundir el uso racional continuado del recurso suelo con el fin de conseguir de este recurso el óptimo beneficio social y económico dentro de la concepción y principios del desarrollo sostenible.

Revoca: Decreto Supremo Nº 062/75/AG - Reglamento de calificación de tierras. (1975)

Pastoral Land Regulations.


These Regulations, consisting of 31 sections divided into eight Parts, make provision with respect to procedures of the Pastoral Land Board established under section 11 of the Act, legal issues of pastoral leases, monitoring of pastoral land, access to pastoral land, licences to go onto and take certain things from pastoral land, procedures of appeal with an Appeals Tribunal and miscellaneous matters.

Implements: Pastoral Land Act. (2016-04-06)