Date: 9 janvier 2019
Source: Farmlandgrab, Commodafrica
Equatorial Palm Oil Plc, société côté au AIM de Londres, a réalisé sa première vente d’huile de palme brute en provenance de son usine nouvellement mise en service à Palm Bay au Libéria. Le domaine de Palm Bay comprend 13 007 hectares de…
Secure land rights can help improve food security, limit deforestation and tackle climate change, activists say
BANGKOK - The fight over land and resources was bloody in 2018, with governments from Brazil to the Philippines accused of failing to protect campaigners, and indigenous people battling…
The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) has said Liberia continues to experience huge land conflicts in Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa counties as these are the “red zones” of land conflicts in the country. This assertion comes against the current backdrop of a spate of land-related…
The Government of Liberia (GoL) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and development partners have expressed commitment to implementing two major land tenure regulations, which include the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance (VGGT) on the Tenure of Land…
Monrovia – The Sustainable Development Institute (SDI), a local civil society organization that advocates for the participation of local communities in decision-making processes on natural resources, has welcomed the passage into law of the landmark Land Right Bill.
According to Ms. Nora Bowier,…
Date: 20 septembre 2018
Source: Farmlandgrab, AFP
Le président libérien George Weah a promulgué mercredi une loi sur la propriété des terres attendue depuis des années dans ce petit pays anglophone d’Afrique de l’Ouest, et qui pourrait servir d’exemple ailleurs.
La législation actuelle, attribuant…
Date: 30 juillet 2018
Source: Farmlandgrab, Forest peoples Programme
Par: Tom Lomax
En réponse au verdict accablant rendu par le Comité des plaintes de la RSPO concernant GOLDEN VEROLEUM LIBERIA (GVL) – verdict maintenu en appel (voir le dossier au complet ici) – GVL a annoncé sa décision de…
In a watershed moment for land rights in Liberia and across Africa, President George Weah on Sept. 19 signed into law a land reform bill that extends land rights to millions of rural Liberians.
The Land Rights Act ensures, for the first time, that the land rights of rural Liberians are recognized,…
Date: 4 octobre 2018
Source: Commodafrica
Au Liberia, on est sur le point de reconnaître les droits coutumiers sur les terres. Le projet de loi, qui fait débat maintenant depuis quatre ans, est déjà passé l'année dernière devant la Chambre des Représentants (lire nos informations), et le Sénat…
If Liberia will remain peaceful and stable, it means that President George Weah needs to prioritize the Land Rights Bill that has already been passed through the Legislature, the Civil Society Oraganizations (CSO) Working Group on Land Rights Reform has said.
On September 4, the House of…
Local Gov’t, Amendment to Constitution, Alien and Nationality Bills Soon?
Following years of open hearings, debates, committee reports, and conference committee work, the Senate at its 54th day sitting last Thursday, unanimously voted to concur with the House of Representatives on passage of the…
In a letter dated July 20, 2018, GVL withdrew from the RSPO based on what the company termed as ‘time and space’ to implement its sustainable plan other than the RSPO recommendation.
Earlier this year, the RSPO complaint committee found GVL in non-compliance with several elements to the RSPO…