Community / Land projects / Project for Rural Income through Exports (PRICE)
Project for Rural Income through Exports (PRICE)
12/11 - 12/18
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The project aims to raise the income of 128,700 smallholder farmers households by assisting them in taking advantage of concrete income opportunities in pro-poor cash crop value chains in partnership with private operators. It will achieve sustainable increased returns to farmers from key export-driven agricultural value chains, through increased volumes and quality of production, improved marketing and effective farmer organisations. The project targets households involved in the production of coffee and tea, in sericulture and horticulture. It has a national scope, and shall comprise the Southern and Western Provinces of Rwanda for tea activities. With regard to land and natural resource governance, the project aims at participating in the implementation of the National Policy aiming at providing farmers with land titles by financing the registration and titling costs of farmers’ plots in project-supported tea plantations.