Community / Land projects / Livestock and Pasture Development Project - I
Livestock and Pasture Development Project - I
08/11 - 09/17
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The project aims at increasing the nutritional status and incomes of targeted households by sustainably enhancing livestock productivity. In particular, the project will focus on: Institutional development, Livestock and pasture development. It works in selected districts of the Khatlon Oblast benefiting some 22,400 poor households from 100 villages, and targets smallholder livestock farmers, private veterinary service providers and small-scale entrepreneurs with the potential to provide services to smallholder farmers, woman-headed households and women belonging to poor households. Land and natural resource governance related interventions focus on Pasture management and aim at establishing and strengthening Pasture User Associations (PUAs) and at developing Community Livestock and Pasture Development Plans (CLPDPs) to collect and analyse the information on land balance to ensure access to the legal pastureland use rights and to transfer legal rights for all types of pastures to the PUAs for at least 10 years.