Community / Land projects / Green Art Center/I Think Green
Green Art Center/I Think Green
03/14 - 12/14
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-NGO Green Art Center is a local NGO established to contribute to sustainable development aims to increase citizens? awareness about the needs of the society improve living standards and living environment. Webpage The organisation has gathered highly motivated proffesionals around with a common interets on environmental issues.-Kosovo is facing very serious environmental challenges in a broader sense and in particular concerning waste and land management. The situation is rather dif ficult in urban areas due to changed demographics and the pressure of migration from rural areas. This is reflected in unplanned construction a poorly managed urban environment and inefficient public services such as waste collection waste and wastewater treatment. Pollution from power plants and mining activities are adding to already difficult situation and pose serious threat to the health of citizens. -NGO GAC will train teaching staff and students on importance of 3R ? REDUCTION ? REUSE ? RECYCLING process in 10 elementary scools in Pristina. As the second result will be the creation of a common system in division and managing of waste in school premises. The other component of the project is establishing of young volunteers associatin ?Green Club Pr ishtina? on increasing the participation of active citizenship and identification of needs. During one year implementation of the project there will be outdoor activities organized with the aim to empower active citizenship in process of Environment protec tion.-One of the major expected results of the project is the increasing of capacities of 10953 students and 519 teachers in 10 elementary schools. These are the main beneficiaries of the project as well.GAC will implement the project in partnership with I nstitute for Sustainability and Development of Youth ? ISDY Kosovo.Project Overall Objective: Strengthening positive attitudes of community towards environmental protection Project Specific Objectives: a) Increased participation of young people and socie ty in environmental activities b) Strengthening of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection c) Creation of an implementational model for the initiation and implementation of a program to reduce re-use and recycling in in the 10 element ary schools in Pristina, d) Awareness of students teachers and society on the importance of process-reuse-recycle reducion,