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Community / Land projects / Addressing the Emergency Shelter NFIs needs for 25,476 of drought affected persons (4,246hhs) in Daynile dist

Addressing the Emergency Shelter NFIs needs for 25,476 of drought affected persons (4,246hhs) in Daynile dist


05/22 - 11/22


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This project is designed to address the critical need of Shelter /NFIs for the drought affected populations in Daynile district for protection and live-saving assistance through the cluster specific objective. The project is prioritizing newly displaced and drought affected persons who are most vulnerable IDP families including women, girls, persons with disabilities and women headed households, pregnant and lactating women and elderly persons. In order to ensure centrality of protection the project will use community participatory approach in collaboration with different levels of the community including marginalized groups as well as camp committees who have already participated during assessment survey and project designing stage. This project is specifically intended to directly assist 4246hhs (25,476 persons) selected from 16 IDP sites in Daynile district with a specific criteria including to be the newly displaced drought affected persons who live under poor shelter and have in need of NFIs as following breakdown: 25,476 persons - (Women: 4076, Men: 4076, Girls: 8,662, and Boys: 8,662) through Shelter/NFIs intervention due to their vulnerability and needs. Through this project HINNA will construct 335 Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs) to 335HHs (2010 individuals) plus 335 NFIs to the same households of 335. In addition, the project will specifically distribute 3911 NFIs to selected 3911 hhs (23,466 individuals) in the target IDP sites in Daynile district who are very in need of NFI kits only plus one plastic sheet extra as they will not be receiving the ESKs. HINNA will use in-kind distribution modality of NFIs and ESKs as per the beneficiary consultations and suggestions during the assessment and project designing also HINNA has made sure that that the IDPs and landowners have jointly agreed three to five years of land tenure with the presence of the existing camp committees and local authorities. In summary, the project will directly construct 335 ESKs and distribute 4246 NFIs of which 3911 extra plastic sheets will be added for 3911 hhs (23,466 persons). At the onset of the project, 100 members selected from community levels in the target IDP sites will be mobilized and sensitized on project scope and information as well as the beneficiaries’ selection process and site planning when feasible. PCM/PDM exercise will be conducted for four to six weeks after the construction and distribution to know more about the future preference of IDP communities. A Complaint Response and Feedback Mechanism (CRFM) will be set up so that anyone with complaints about the beneficiaries’ selection process or any other issue will be able to complain. A hot-line will also be available for project beneficiaries to forward his/her complaints and feedback. Secondly, complaints will be channeled through CRFM desk attendants and HINNA MampE team on the ground, settlement leaders and community elders. The project will consider the protection mainstreaming of gender and GBV related issues, as well as disability inclusion is matter in both the response and it’s monitoring to ensure safety and dignity as well as accountability to the affected target populations.

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