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Library Guideline No. 10 dated 13.9.2012 on methods of calculating the criteria for the evaluation of bids for the lease of undivided agricultural lands.

Guideline No. 10 dated 13.9.2012 on methods of calculating the criteria for the evaluation of bids for the lease of undivided agricultural lands.

Guideline No. 10 dated 13.9.2012 on methods of calculating the criteria for the evaluation of bids for the lease of undivided agricultural lands.
Udhëzim Nr. 10, datë 13.9.2012 për mënyrën e përllogaritjes së kritereve të vlerësimit të ofertave për marrjen me qira të tokës bujqësore, të pandarë.

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The Guideline 10 of 2012 lays down rules and procedures of evaluating tender offers for leasing undivided agricultural lands. The bidding procedure is implemented by the Commission for the lease of undivided agricultural lands. The offers are evaluated based on the technology to be used for plant cultivation, the investment on infrastructure such as irrigation and drainage, its impact on local employment and the financial bid.

Implements: Guideline No. 1 dated 18.7.2012 on the procedures of leasing undivided agricultural land. (2012-07-18)

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