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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 571 - 575 of 2117

Pro-ARIDES: Agrifood Program for Integrated Resilience and Economic Development in the Sahel


Pro-ARIDES aims to contribute to increased resilience, food security and incomes of agricultural and (agro-) pastoral households in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, through effective decentralized institutions and organizations for service delivery , natural resource and land management and local economic development.

Research/Extension/Training: Strengthening Local Development in the Highlands and High Rainforest Areas Projec


The purpose of the project is to contribute to rural poverty reduction in the areas of intervention. Its development objective is to deepen the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of public investments from central, regional and local governments to improve the well-being of the rural population and increase the value of their natural, physical, human, social and financial assets.Specific objectives include:(a) Strengthening the capabilities and skills of groups and associations of poor rural people to participate fully in local development and increase productivity and competitiveness, including full access to citizenship; (b) Transferring funds to groups of organized rural families and associations of rural men and women to enable them to competitively: (i) improve their natural resources and human settlements; (ii) access grant funding to carry out profitable business ventures in a wide range of initiatives; and (iii) mobilize savings and provide access to microinsurance, especially for rural women; (c) Improving the management capacity of local governments to meet the relevant demand of poor rural people, in order to promote self-development and leverage resources available to municipalities working with the project; (d) Strengthening the institutional capacity of the implementing agency to: deepen a territorial and micro watershed approach; mobilize additional private investment to complement project investments adequately; implement an intercultural approach; institute monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanisms; introduce a gender dimension into its projects; and further strengthen its operational capacity at the district level.The project is in compliance with IFAD policies on: (i) targeting, by focusing activities on poor rural people; (ii) gender, through positive discrimination measures and capacity-building of women's groups; (iii) middle-income countries (MICs), by building knowledge management and supporting South-South cooperation; (iv) rural finance, by supporting access to banking services and building financial assets; (v) rural enterprise, by reducing the limitations and inequities facing poor rural people in investing in small- and medium-sizedenterprises; (vi) indigenous peoples, by assisting communities in fully exploiting their traditional knowledge, culture, governance systems and natural resources; (vii) land, by respecting the land interests of rural people and promoting participatory land-use planning and management at the local level; (viii) private sectordevelopment, by strengthening the capacity of poor rural people and their organizations to deal with new market forces and partner with the private sector on fair and equitable conditions; and (ix) climate change, by furthering the use of climate analysis as an instrument of social and environmental assessment to seekmeasures to reduce or eliminate risks.

Inclusive Economies: Inclusive public policies


Focus is on strengthening social protection systems and on policy advocacy work at global level. It also includes support to agricultural research for development and people centred land governance with specific emphasis on securing equitable tenure rights of women, indigenous populations and pastoralist communities


Goals include strengthened social protection systems and benefits, reduced inequality and more inclusive and sustainable markets, with improved access to resources and benefits especially for the rural poor. Strengthened engagement of Irish companies and development agencies in African Agriculture sector.

GROW Program Development INDIA


Oxfam Novib# Lobby and Advocacy Team has decided to invest in programme development, one of the focus this year is on strengtheningOxfam# GROW campaign . An Action Plan was developed in March 2014 # initial work involves different countries in Asia region linking local campaign strategies to national, regional and global campaign strategies of GROW. This global GROW programme will build on on-going GROW national campaigns in Asian countries, the South Asia and Southeast Asia GROW regional campaigns and advocacy work at the international level. A Core Group has been set up to deliver the Action Plan in close coordination with Oxfam Novib Regional Manager for Asia and the head of the Lobby and Advocacy Team. The evolving programme areas are focused on 3 themes (with knowledge management as cross cutting): right to food/food justice, land governance, and climate adaptation. So far, concept notes have been developed already defining the (1) regional (East Asia and South Asia) GROW campaign strategies targeting national governments and regional institutions (ASEAN, Asian Development Bank); (2) global Right to Food influencing work (involving 3 Asian countries), and (3) land governance advocacy in the Mekong Region. The consultant is expected to use these regional programme ideas in helping country and regional Oxfam teams identify local/national to regional/global campaign strategies which is core to her/his task towards designing the global GROW programme framework. This global framework (programme summary/cpncept note) will be used in contacting and exploring partnership with external donors.

HO-R2F Program Facilitation & Cap Bldg.


This project falls under Oxfam Novib#s Strategic Partnership with the Dutch government and more specifically the Theory of Change for Right to Food, aiming to achieve impact for women, men and children living in poverty to realise their right to food. This project sits within a wider program that contains more projects that Oxfam Novib is engaged in. These include the Oxfam Global Land Program, which consists of work in some 40 countries, as well as projects on water governance; climate resilient livelihoods; socially andenvironmentally responsible agribusiness and value chains; and women#s economic empowerment in agriculture. The goal of this project is that small-scale producers and agricultural workers, particularly women and their communities, benefit from local to global public and private sector policies that protect and promote their prosperity and resilience. The project focuses on: - Building the capacity of CSOs to influence key public and private sector stakeholders. Through the project, Oxfam country teams and CSOs have increased capacity through in-country support, shared learning, synergies and development of supportive tools in their influencing work on land rights, access to water, gender, agro biodiversity, climate resilient livelihoods and more capacity in engaging with private sector to promote responsible value chains. - Contributing to creating political will in the Netherlands for endorsing policy asks of Oxfam/partners towards promoting small scale producers# land rights and their access to water and engaging with PS to develop pro-poor business models; and in international organisations such as IFAD on gender transformative approaches in the design of their programmes on agricultural value chains, food and nutrition security. The project will build capacity through training on engagement with private sector; development of tools such as gender-sensitive tools to help communities to engage with land investors; country case studies on demonstrating the value and effectiveness of climate change resilient livelihoods experiences and responsible agribusinesses at local level in order to inform the national agricultural policy influencing and to influence relevant networks in the Netherlands and globally The project will be implemented in 8 countries: Burundi, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Myanmar, Uganda, Vietnam, and at global level through influencing actors in multi stakeholder initiatives; The Netherlands, UN agencies. In this project we work together with others such as WUR (knowledge partner in FAIR project and landscape approach project and in global women#s land rights initiative); Kadaster International, knowledge partner in our work on sustainable palm oil; Agri Pro Focus;NWP; LANDAC; UNESCO-IHE; RSPO Human Rights Working Group; VOICE; Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC).