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Community Organizations Land Portal Foundation
Land Portal Foundation
Land Portal Foundation
Non Governmental organization
Non-profit organization


Working languages

The Land Portal is a Foundation registered in the Netherlands in 2014.

The vision of the Portal is to improve land governance to benefit those with the most insecure land rights and the greatest vulnerability to landlessness through information and knowledge sharing.

The goal of the Portal is to become the leading online destination for information, resources, innovations and networking on land issues. Through this it will support more inclusive and informed debate and action on land governance and will increase the adoption and up-scaling of best practices and emerging innovations on land tenure.

Read more about us and join the Land Portal now!


Laura Meggiolaro
Stacey Zammit
Silvina Rusinek
Romy Sato


Displaying 41 - 45 of 168

Haki za Ardhi za Wanawake na Jamii: Kuwekeza katika Wasaidizi wa Jamii katika masuala ya jinsia na ardhi

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2021
Western Africa
Central Asia

Kwa zaidi ya miaka mitano, Mradi wa Usalama wa Umiliki wa Ardhi kwa Wanawake (WOLTS) umekuwa ukichunguza uhusiano wa kijinsia na ardhi katika jamii za wafugaji zilizoathiriwa na uchimbaji wa madini Mongolia na Tanzania. Lengo limekuwa ni kutengeneza mbinu ya ushiriki wa jamii kwa muda mrefu na kujenga uwezo wa kulinda na kusaidia haki za ardhi za watu wote walio katika mazingira magumu  na hivyo kuelekeza nguvu katika usawa wa kijinsia, usimamizi na umiliki wa ardhi kwa mfumo ambao utarahisisha maboresho katika haki za ardhi kwa jamii yote.

Guide pour l’ouverture des donnees ouvertes pour une meilleure gouvernance fonciere

Manuals & Guidelines
Setembro, 2021

Les Open Up Guides sont des outils pratiques développés par l’ODC et ses partenaires thématiques pour aider les gouvernements et d’autres acteurs à utiliser la publication d’ensembles de données stratégiques pour relever les principaux défis politiques. Ils s’appuient sur des preuves pratiques tout en recueillant des enseignements pour s’assurer que les normes mondiales sont applicables localement.

Open Up Guide for Land Governance, Version 2.0 (following public comments)

Manuals & Guidelines
Setembro, 2021

The Open Up Guide on Land Governance is a resource  aimed to be used by governments from developing countries to collect and release land-related data to improve data quality, availability, accessibility and use for improved citizen engagement, decision making and innovation. It sets out:

  1. Key datasets for land management accountability, and how they should be collected, stored, shared and published for improving land governance and transparency;