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Displaying 251 - 255 of 259Aboriginal Land (Lake Condah and Framlingham Forest) Act 1987.
This Act, consisting of 41 sections and completed by two Schedules, provides also for the management of the land vested in Aboriginal Corporations.The sections of this Act are divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Vesting of Condah Land and Framlingham Forest (II); Management of Condah land (III); Management of Framlingham Forest (IV); Mining (V); Trust Funds (VI); Miscellaneous (VII).On the commencement of this Act, Framlingham Forest, shall be vested in the Kirrae Whurrong Aboriginal Corporation.
Environment, Sports and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1995 (Act No. 25 of 1995).
The first and second Schedule to this Act set out amendments to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975: offences (sect. 38); preparation , amendment and revocation of plans of management by the Marine Park Authority (new Part VB); search powers of inspectors (sect. 46); penalties (various sections); and other matters. The Authority may prepare plans of management for: (a) one or more areas of the Marine Park; (b) one or more species in the Park; (c) one or more ecological communities within the Park (sect. 39X).
Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976.
This Act makes provision in respect of the granting rights in traditional aboriginal land in the Northern Territory to aboriginals.
Survey Co-ordination Act 1949.
The Act (22 sections) provides for the coordination of surveys and the establishment of a central plan office at the Department of Lands for the recording of surveys, plans and related information. To this end, the Surveyor-General is given powers to ensure coordination of surveys and the Act, and a central plan register is established. Public authorities are to give notice of intention to commence new surveys to the Surveyor-General. The Surveyor-General shall have the power to require connection of proposed surveys to existing surveys, permanent marks etc.
Survey Co-ordination Regulations 1998.
The Regulations contain detailed provisions on the survey register, survey procedures, marks (including sketches), classification and standards of surveys.
Implements: Survey Co-ordination Act 1949. (2000-03-31)