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Displaying 51 - 55 of 259Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park Act.
This Act provides for the establishment and management of the Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park. The park will also ensure the right of Aboriginals, who are traditionally the owner of certain lands, to occupy and use that land. For the administration of the park, the Act establishes the Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park Board, whose functions include to prepare plans of management for the control and management of the park and to protect and enforce the right of Aboriginals entitled by Aboriginal tradition to use and occupy the park.
Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2008.
This Regulation implements the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997.The object of this Regulation is to remake, with some amendments, the provisions of the Contaminated Land Management Regulation 1998.
Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998.
Certain lands being at the time state forests are transferred to national park estate and Aboriginal ownership. The lands described in Schedule 3 that are within State forests are set apart as, or as part of, flora reserves under the Forestry Act 1916. Forest agreements may be made under Part 2 with respect to particular regions of the State. A forest agreement may only be made in respect of a region that has been the subject of a regional forest assessment carried out by or on behalf of the Resource and Conservation Assessment Council.
Miscellaneous Act Amendment (Aboriginal Community Living Areas) Act.
This Act makes provision for the extinction of certain areas from pastoral leases and granting them as living areas for the benefits of Aboriginal who used to be resident in those areas or to other Aboriginals. For the purpose of solving disputes related to the implementation of the Act, the Community Living Areas Tribunal is established and regulated under the Act (Part 4).
Amends: Crown Lands Act. (2014-06-02)
Amends: Lands Acquisition Act. (2016-04-06)
Amends: Mining Act. (2007-05-17)
Amends: Real Property Act. (1999-06-09)
Soil Conservation and Land Care Act.
The Act (59 sections) is divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I); Object and duties (II); Administration (III); Conservation and rehabilitation of land (IV); Appeals (V); Miscellaneous (VI).The Act establishes the Soil Conservation Council, soil conservation districts and boards. The main instruments of the Act are assessment of land (initiated by the Minister), district plans (developed by the Boards), voluntary property plans and soil conservation orders (issued by the Board or the Conservator).