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This Law, consisting of 118 articles divided into XIX Chapters, regulates the Plantation sector. The implementation of the Law on Plantation aims to: a. improve the welfare and prosperity of the people; b. increasing source of foreign exchange; c. provide employment and business opportunities; d. increase production, productivity, quality, value added, competitiveness, and market share; e. improve and meet the needs of consumer and industrial raw materials in the country; f. provide protection to the plantation business communities and society; g. manage and develop resources optimally Plantation, responsible, and sustainable; and h. increase the utilization of services Plantation. The scope of this Law on Plantation includes the following sectors: a. Planning; b. Land use; c. Germination; d. Plantation Crops cultivation; e. Plantation Business; f. Processing and marketing of Crops; g. Research and development; h. Data and information systems; i. Human resource development; j. Plantation Business financing; k. Capital investment; l. Guidance and supervision; and m. Community participation.