This Decree is composed of 4 Parts divided into 4 chapters and 30 articles. Part I defines stone quarries and their places. Chapters I to IV deal with the following matters: the National Council for Stone Quarries; licences; exploiter’s obligations during and after the period of exploitation…
This Protocol is composed of 4 articles. In the field of agriculture policy, plant production, plant protection, animal production and breeding, animal health, land management, land reclamation, agriculture research and extension, fisheries and aquaculture, food industry, forestry and natural…
This Resolution is composed of 4 articles. According to the Natural Protection Law of 8 July 1939, this Resolution classifies the zone of Ballo Biatara, located in the Tannoreen-Province of Northern Lebanon, as a natural area subjected to the protection of the Ministry of Environment (art. 1).…
This Decree defines the public property boundaries of the irrigation channel in the region of Ain Saade. The applicant, for the transfer, should comply with determined actions such as the construction of a concrete drainage channel. This Decree is applicable only after the applicant guarantees…
Palestinian women living in refugee camps and gatherings in Lebanon have little opportunity to realise their HLP rights. They face the double discrimination, challenged by both formal Lebanese law and familial Palestinian social systems.
In 2001, the Lebanese Government passed a law…
This Resolution consisting of 8 articles aims at regulating the classification and registration of all kinds of fertilizers and soil improvers, either imported or locally produced, in Lebanon. A Detailed Composition Certificate (issued by the manufacturing company) must accompany the products…
This decree amends articles 1, 2,3 and 7 of Decree No. 8803 of 2002 amended by decree No. 16456 of 2006 as the following: (a) replacement of the Map I attached to Decree No. 8803 with the Map I first amendment attached to this Decree; (b) prohibition drilling operations and exploitation of stone…
This Resolution is composed of 13 articles. Articles 1 to 3 deal with the scope of application of this Resolution and define except activities from it. Articles 4 to 6 provide for procedures, documents and competent authorities for submitting applications related to arranging and settling lands…
This Decree is composed of 3 Parts divided into 12 articles and 3 Annexes. Part I considers the Comprehensive Plan for Lebanese Territory Arrangement as the general guiding framework of urban planning and land use, and therefore ministries, departments, public institutions, municipalities and…
This Decree consisting of 2 articles applies to all private property areas adjacent to the sea. It allows for the exploitation of the maritime public domain on condition that the government approves the nature of the proposed project and area sought for exploitation. Additionally, the Decree…