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Displaying 145 - 156 of 1088
Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro 2014

A un anno dalla scadenza per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio, fissata nel 2015, l’Indice Globale della Fame 2014 offre una prospettiva articolata del problema della fame nel mondo, che porta nuovi spunti al dibattito mondiale rispetto a dove concentrare gli sforzi…

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro 2014

Alors qu’il ne reste plus qu’une année avant la date d’échéance de la réalisation des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement, l’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2014 (GHI) offre une analyse multidimensionnelle de la faim et présente de nouvelles données permettant d’alimenter le débat…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro 2014

The 2014 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report—the ninth in an annual series—presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger. It shows that the world has made progress in reducing hunger since 1990, but still has far to go, with levels of hunger remaining “alarming” or “…

Dezembro 2014

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is based on three equally weighted indicators: > Undernourishment: the proportion of undernourished people as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient caloric intake); > Child underweight: the proportion…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro 2014

Der Welthunger-Index (WHI) 2014 stellt die nationale, regionale und weltweite Hungersituation zum neunten Mal in jahrlicher Folge multidimensional dar. Er zeigt, dass bei der globalen Hungerbekampfung seit 1990 Fortschritte erzielt werden konnten, jedoch angesichts sehr ernster oder gar…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro 2014

Le rapport de l’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2014 – neuvieme edition – propose une mesure multidimensionnelle de la faim au niveau national, regional et mondial. Le GHI 2014 montre les progres effectues en matiere de reduction de la faim depuis 1990, mais des efforts restent a faire, le…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2014

This is a serious game about ecosystem services. The intention is to raise awareness and teach players about integrated landscape management and ecosystem services in a fun and interactive way. By making choices, observing outcomes and adjusting strategy, players will learn how to maximize…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2014

Flying foxes Pteropus spp. play a key role in forest regeneration as seed dispersers and are also the reservoir of many viruses, including Nipah virus in Bangladesh. Little is known about their habitat requirements, particularly in South Asia. Identifying Pteropus habitat preferences could…