The Wait is Over
The USAID-funded Land for Prosperity Activity is developing capacity in land administration across all levels of government to strengthen land rights in underfunded municipalities across Colombia.
The USAID-funded Land for Prosperity Activity is developing capacity in land administration across all levels of government to strengthen land rights in underfunded municipalities across Colombia.
Overcoming Land Disputes by Fostering Relationships in Communities: Experiences from Zambia’s Systematic Land Titling Program
Written by Dimuna Phiri and Kamiji Malasha
Unresolved disputes and disorder, can be addressed through the judicial system. However, the process is expensive, slow, unscalable, and does not focus on reconciling individuals, families and communities. Through the lens of beneficiaries, this article reveals the importance of alternative dispute resolution in land reforms, particularly adjudication committees.
Most of the world’s land is still stewarded by communities under customary systems. Billions of people rely on communally managed farmland, pasture, forests and savannahs for their livelihoods.
This collective management of resources is viewed in the colonial or capitalist economic model as an obstacle to individual wealth creation and private profit.
Exploração de petróleo, plantações de coca e grupos armados ilegais ameaçam a sobrevivência do povo indígena Awá no sul da Colômbia.
Por Edilma Prada e Vanessa Teteye
No mês passado, um ex-ministro do governo do Zimbábue foi preso por venda ilegal de terrenos públicos. Alguns dias depois, um tribunal da Malásia condenou por corrupção o ex-presidente de uma agência de desenvolvimento agrário de terras públicas. E, em janeiro, o governo da Estônia desmoronou em meio a alegações de corrupção em negociações de propriedades. Todos estes eventos recentes puseram em foco a ameaça crescente, porém negligenciada, da corrupção ligada a terras.
During the recent Conference on Land Policy in Africa, we had a chance to sit down and speak with Professor Howard Stein of the University of Michigan. Scroll below to read more.
1) Can you tell us a little bit about your research, work and background?
New technology has unleashed a wave of opportunities to secure formal land rights for hundreds of millions of people, but it is not a solve-all solution in countries with weak institutions, said a senior World Bank economist.
Satellite imagery, drones, cloud computing and blockchain are among technologies with the potential to help many of the world’s more than 1 billion people estimated to lack secure property rights, said the World Bank’s Klaus Deininger.
Autor: Fernando campos Scaff
Mantém-se a discussão no Congresso Nacional sobre a aquisição de terras por estrangeiros, visando a formulação de uma nova lei que possa tratar adequadamente essa matéria.
O que está sendo vendido como tentativa de desburocratização e aumento da eficiência na gestão do patrimônio público, na prática esconde a possibilidade de transferência desse patrimônio e de recursos naturais sem qualquer critério de interesse social ou coletivo