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National Land Use Policy.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2005

It is against inappropriate decisions in the allocation of land use activities that are manifested, among others, in form of: land degradation, mainly soil erosion, loss of vegetation cover; loss of biological diversity, wetlands degradation, pollution, uncontrolled urban development, conflicts over land use, and reduced land productivity that government committed resources for the preparation of this National Land Use Policy.The policy aims to support the national objectives on poverty eradication and economic growth while at the same time ensuring sustainable utilisation of natural resour

Loi n° 2015-052 du 16 décembre 2015 relative à l’urbanisme et à l’habitat.

Dezembro, 2015

La présente loi qui fixe les règles applicables en matière d’urbanisme et d’habitat, comporte 240 articles répartis en six livres. Elle détermine les règles générales relatives à la gestion de l’espace, l’aménagement urbain et l’utilisation du sol et définit les dispositions s’appliquant à la gestion des actes d’urbanisme et de construction dans le cadre de la politique de développement économique, social et d’aménagement du territoire ainsi que de la protection de l’environnement et du paysage.

Soil Conservation Regulations No. 01 of 2009.

Setembro, 2009
Sri Lanka

These Regulations, consisting of 13 sections and two Schedules, applies to cultivate agricultural land the Conservation areas, declared by Order published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 1550/9 of 22 May 2008, as specified in the Schedule to these regulations. They establish requirements to that a person shall not cultivate annual crops on any land area, which consists of a slope of more than sixty 60%.

Law No. 506-V amending some legislative acts related to migration of the Republic of Kazakhstan towards “green economy”.

Abril, 2016

Article 43 of Land Code shall be amended to add the following wording: “Allotment of land plots located within 500 meters from coastline of a waterbody shall be performed after establishment of borders of water conservation zones and regime of its economic management, except for protected areas and public forests”.

Law No. XIII-617 amending Law No. I-301 on protected areas.

Julho, 2017

Article 31 shall be amended to add the following wording: “In strict state reserves, it shall be prohibited to alter the conservational principal designation of land use. In reserves, state parks, strict biosphere reserves and biosphere grounds, it shall be prohibited to alter the conservational and forest farming principal designation of land use, as well as to convert forest land to land used for other designations, except for transfer of land for the protection of state border and for national defense purpose”.

Amends: Law No. I-301 on protected areas. (2015-09-01)

Law No. XIII-616 amending Forest Law No. IX-240.

Julho, 2017

Article 11 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of forest land into other categories of land shall be prohibited in the following cases: (a) Group I forests; (b) Group II - protection of ecosystems in forests, except in specified cases; (c) in groups III - in forests of protected areas and in protected areas of state reserves, except for specific cases; (d) in other forests located one kilometer from the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Spit, in recreational forests of Group II and in protected areas, field protection and national park protection zones of Group III except for

Resolution No. 57 of the Chief Directorate of Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environmental Protection validating the Instruction on elaboration of the national protected areas management plan.

Dezembro, 2010

The purpose of this Instruction is to assist in the implementation of management plans in the protected areas system of Tajikistan. The Instruction is of advisory nature and is intended for use in the development of protected areas management plans. It is addressed to: (a) protected areas staff; (b) employees of the organization providing financial support to protected areas; and (c) staff of scientific research institutions.

Décret n° 2016-1464 du 28 octobre 2016 relatif aux opérations de protection de l'environnement dans les espaces ruraux.

Outubro, 2016

Le décret présent adapte les dispositions relatives aux opérations de protection de l'environnement dans les espaces ruraux afin de tenir compte de la nouvelle réglementation européenne applicable à la programmation 2015/2020 de la politique agricole commune.Ce texte concerne personnes physiques ou morales exerçant une activité agricole.

EAD (Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi) Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2015
Emirados Árabes Unidos

The EAD Strategic Plan is a nation-wide document aiming at preserving and protecting the environment, promoting the health and well-being of local communities, while stimulating and mapping sustainable economic growth for the next five years. It defines a long-term Vision - A Sustainable Environment for a Sustainable Future - and Mission - To protect and conserve the environment for people’s well-being and a better life for all-, 5-year priorities, objectives, as well as the strategic initiatives.

Ley N° 5.282 – Ley de libre acceso ciudadano a la información pública y transparencia gubernamental.

Maio, 2014

La presente Ley establece normas orientadas a garantizar a todas las personas el efectivo ejercicio del derecho al acceso a la información pública, a través de la implementación de las modalidades, plazos, excepciones y sanciones correspondientes, que promuevan la trasparencia del Estado.

Decree-Law No. 14/2016 approving the Regulation on the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M).

Fevereiro, 2016
Cabo Verde

This Decree-Law, consisting of 7 Chapters and three Annexes, regulates the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M). This Plans are territorial management tools containing a set of actions for the coastal zone management, which interventions are planned for the terrestrial areas, referred as 'onshore', and areas called as 'adjacent sea areas'.

Resolución Nº 101-2008-INRENA ─ Procedimiento para edificación y/o modificación de infraestructura en predios de particulares ubicados al interior de áreas naturales protegidas de carácter nacional.

Maio, 2008

La presente Resolución aprueba el procedimiento para edificación y/o modificación de infraestructura con fines de vivienda, comerciales, industriales o de prestación de servicios en predios ubicados al interior de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP) de carácter nacional y sobre los que existan derechos adquiridos por particulares previamente a la creación del Área Natural Protegida respectiva.