Application de l’analyse multicritère à l’évaluation des critères et indicateurs
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. In a situation where multiple criteria are involved confusion can arise if a logical, well-structured decision-making process is not followed. Another difficulty in decision making is that reaching a general consensus in a multidisciplinary team can be very difficult to achieve. By using MCA the members don't have to agree on the relative importance of the Criteria or the rankings of the alternatives.
Antara negara dan masyarakat: desentralisasi di Indonesia
Are community aspirations being accommodated in development plans?: a lesson from collective action in Jambi
The brief describes development planning consultations, locally known as musrenbang, conducted in stages through different levels of governance: village, sub-district and district. The brief then documents lessons from experience catalyzing collective action among local community goups (in particular women’s groups) to engage in this development process and to help articulate the women’s aspirations in such a way that they could be heard by district decision makers.
Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.: Ecology, silviculture and productivity
This manual gathers information on the ecology and silviculture of Anthocephalus cadamba Miq., with a focus on Indonesia. It also includes growth and yield data from published sources, collected from smallholders’ farms in the research sites in South Kalimantan province, and collected previously by the Forestry Research and Development Agency of Indonesia. The manual is one of the five manuals produced to guide smallholder tree planting of five selected tree species in Indonesia.
Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.: ekologi, silvikultur dan produktivitas
Panduan ini mengelaborasikan berbagai informasi terkait ekologi dan silvikultur Anthocephalus cadamba Miq., dengan fokus wilayah di Indonesia. Panduan ini juga mencakup informasi pertumbuhan dan hasil dari beragam sumber pustaka maupun berdasarkan pengukuran tegakan petani di lokasi penelitian kami di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, dan juga berdasarkan data pertumbuhan tegakan yang telah dikumpulkan sebelumnya oleh Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan.
Anticipandose al cambio: guia para el uso de escenarios como instrumento para el manejo forestal adaptable
Scenario methods can be used to anticipate the future and expand the creativity of people thinking about complex forest management situations. This manual describes the use of scenarios with multiple stakeholders, with examples drawn from community-based forest management. Four classes of scenario methods are described: visions, projections, pathways and alternative scenarios. Examples of rapid participatory techniques relevant to scenario methods are also summarized.
Anticipating change: scenarios as a tool for adaptive forest management: a guide
Scenario methods can be used to anticipate the future and expand the creativity of people thinking about complex forest management situations. This manual describes the use of scenarios with multiple stakeholders, with examples drawn from community-based forest management. Four classes of scenario methods are described: visions, projections, pathways and alternative scenarios. Examples of rapid participatory techniques relevant to scenario methods are also summarised.
Assessing the performance of natural resource systems
Assessing the performance of management is central to natural resource management, in terms of improving the efficiency of interventions in an adaptive-learning cycle. This is not simple, given that such systems generally have multiple scales of interaction and response; high frequency of non-linearity, uncertainty, and time lags; multiple stakeholders with contrasting objectives; and a high degree of context specificity. The importance of bounding the problem and preparing a conceptual model of the system is highlighted.
Assembling the ACM mosaic: reflection and conclusion
Assessing "participation" in forest management: workable methods and unworkable assumptions
This paper reports the results of a pre-test in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, of four methods designed to assess the level and nature of participation by local people in forest management quickly and easily. Two of the methods - the "Iterative Continuum Method" (ICM) and the participatory card sorting method - were deemed helpful.One method, the communication network analysis, was discarded in its current form.The final method, the researcher guide on the functions of participation, was felt in need of revision.