Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres
La Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres es un movimiento feminista que trabaja por la tramitación negociada del conflicto armado en Colombia
La Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres es un movimiento feminista que trabaja por la tramitación negociada del conflicto armado en Colombia
ULAM es una red regional integrada por grupos y organizaciones dirigidas por mujeres para el beneficio de mujeres de orígen rural e indígena afectadas social, cultural y económicamente, por prácticas y políticas mineras.
La convicción que juntas y colectivamente debemos luchar porque se reconozca y se tomen medidas parar frenar y prevenir el impacto negativo de la actividad minera en la mujer; une en hermandad a todas las asociaciones que forman parte de la red.
El Centro de Mujeres Afrocostarricenses nace en1992 en Limón, Costa Rica como una iniciativa política de mujeres afrocostarricenses que se plantearon trabajar con temas específicos relacionados con su condición de género y raza, así como con un trabajo intensivo con la población Afrocostarricense y de la comunidad en general.Reconociéndonos como ciudadanas costarricenses, las mujeres fundadoras del Centro se plantearon la necesidad de contribuir activamente en la construcción de sociedades justas sin discriminación de ningún tipo. Desde su fundación y debido a la identidad afrodescendiente
Asociación de mujeres sin ánimo de lucro de ámbito estatal y cuyo fin es la recuperación de la autorregulación de la vida humana dentro del conjunto de los ecosistemas de la Tierra. Y en particular:
– La recuperación de la genuina condición de la mujer y de la verdadera maternidad; el restablecimiento de su sexualidad y de su dignidad perdidas y con ellas el restablecimiento de su función social.Con el fin de reconstruir un tejido social basado en el apoyo mutuo y en la sexualidad humana.
DCPUK is started its activities to increase the economic status of the poor and ultra poor through ensuring their involvement in Income Generating Activities and creating employment opportunities since 1984. It has been implementing multidimensional projects funded by different funding agencies. Improve educational, Leadership Managerial skill, Project Management, Financial management, Organizational standards and procedures program are one of the significant objectives of the organization.
SNSP work to improve the lives and livelihoods of those most in need of our support, women and widow. We work with disadvantaged and marginalized groups, including religious minorities, landless and marginal farmers, unemployed youth, girls, and day laborers. In implementing our activities, SNSP believes in working together with individuals, networks and organizations that share our vision and values. We have experience of working with a range of local, national and international network, platform, NGOs and donor organizations, as well as government departments/agencies and officials.
Tarangal Mohila Kollayan Songstha A non-government, non-profitable and non-political organization established in 1996 with all levels of women for benefiting the distress families of Jamalpur. It stared vocational training and income generating activities with support from World Food Program (WFP) in the year 1997 and continued up to 2002.
The Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (EASSRR) is a bi-annual journal published by the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa (OSSREA). Since the publication of its maiden issue in January 1985, the EASSRR has been serving as a regional forum for reflective thinking and critical discourse on the economic, political, and social aspects as well as development issues of the countries and sub-regions within the Eastern and Southern African Region
Oxford Brookes University is committed to leading the intellectual, social and economic development of the communities it serves through teaching, research and creativity that achieve the highest standards.
The motto of the Copperbelt University is "Knowledge and Service" . Enshrined in the motto are the following strands:
Journal of Geography and Geology (JGG) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published quarterly by the Canadian Center of Science and Education in both print and online versions. The online version is free to access and download.