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Land rights knowledge and conservation in rural Ethiopia: Mind the gender gap

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2014
África Oriental
África subsariana

Using the 2009 round of the Ethiopian Rural Household Survey, this paper examines the medium-term impact of the land registration on investment behavior by households, particularly the adoption of soil conservation techniques and tree planting. It investigates whether men’s and women’s knowledge of their property rights under the land registration (as measured by answers to a list of questions regarding the provisions of the registration, covering such areas as tenure security, land transfer rights, and rights related to gender equity and inheritance) has an impact on these investments.

What's politics got to do with it: Nutrition and the policy agenda

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional

Recent experience has shown that as countries get richer, nutritional status does not necessarily improve. In a recent article in the journal The Lancet, IFPRI researchers and others explain that creating the right conditions for nutritional advances often requires political action. The feature article in this issue of Insights looks at how some developing countries and regions—Ghana, Peru, Thailand, and the state of Maharashtra, India—have made nutrition a political priority and how they’ve turned political commitments into widespread changes on the ground.

Effects on diet in improving the iron status of women: what role for food-based interventions?

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2003

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) affects more than 3.5 people in the developing world. More than half of pregnant women (56 percent) and 44 percent of nonpregnant women are anemic (ACC/SCN 2000). IDA contributes to approximately 20 percent of maternal deaths in Africa and Asia (Ross and Thomas 1996). In Africa alone, some 20,000 maternal deaths per year could be prevented with anemia treatment.

Collective action and property rights for sustainable development

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2004

Institutions of collective action and systems of property rights shape how people use natural resources, and these patterns of use in turn affect the outcomes of people’s agricultural production systems. Together, mechanisms of collective action and property rights define the incentives people face for undertaking sustainable and productive management strategies, and they affect the level and distribution of benefits from natural resources.

A experiência ao nível das políticas em Moçambique destaca a importância do género na disseminação de técnicas de gestão sustentável das terras

Janeiro, 2015

A inovação agrícola é essencial para a satisfação das crescentes necessidades alimentares num clima em mudança. Uma das possíveis vias para o aumento da produção é o investimento nas terras cultivadas por mulheres. Embora a intensifi-cação da agricultura seja a abordagem padrão para o aumento da produção, esforços recentes procuram dar ênfase à gestão sustentável das terras (GST). O modo tradicional de difusão de tecnologias é efetuado através do fornecimento de serviços de extensão agrária, que habitualmente servem primordialmente os agricultores do sexo masculino.

Causes and consequences of changing land tenure institutions in Western Ghana

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 1998
África subsariana

Land tenure institutions in customary land areas of Sub-Saharan Africa have been evolving towards individualized ownership. Communal land tenure institutions aim to achieve and preserve the equitable distribution of land (and hence, income) among community members. Uncultivated forestland is owned by the community or village, and as long as forest land is available, forest clearance of forest is easily approved by the village chief.

Investment in women and its implications for lifetime incomes

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2003

This study examines the implications of gender differences in wealth transfers—farmland and education—on the lifetime incomes of men and women in the rural areas of Ghana, the Philippines, and Sumatra. Based on household surveys of three generations, we tested the hypothesis that parents bequeath their wealth to their sons and daughters in accordance with their comparative advantages in lowland and upland farming and in nonfarm jobs.

2012 Global food policy report: Overview [in Chinese]

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2013
Ásia Meridional
Ásia Oriental
África subsariana
América do Sul
América do Norte
Estados Unidos

This 2012 Global Food Policy Report is the second in an annual series that provides an in-depth look at major food policy developments and events. Initiated in response to resurgent interest in food security, the series offers a yearly overview of the food policy developments that have contributed to or hindered progress in food and nutrition security. It reviews what happened in food policy and why, examines key challenges and opportunities, shares new evidence and knowledge, and highlights emerging issues.