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Displaying 337 - 348 of 838

Causes de mortalite avant le sevrage chez les ovins et caprins du systeme agropastoral du Mali central

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 1985

Etude ayant pour objet de determiner, en partant d'observations cliniques faites tout au long de l'annee 1983 au niveau des troupeaux de petits ruminants suivis par le CIPEA, les causes de mortalite les plus connues avant sevrage afin de pouvoir entreprendre des essais visant a leur reduction au niveau des memes troupeaux.

Characterization of Menz and Afar indigenous sheep breeds of smallholders and pastoralists for designing community-based breeding strategies in Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2008
África Oriental

This study aimed at understanding of existing sheep breeding practices, identifying sheep breeding goals and characterizing the morphological and biometrical characters of Menz and Afar sheep breeds in their habitat as a step towards developing sustainable sheep breeding strategy. The study was conducted by implementing single visit questionnaire, observing and recording of sheep morphological characters, and by recording body weight and body measurements. The survey revealed that the mean sheep flock size per household was 31.6 in Menz and 23.0 in Afar area.

Climate change perception and adaptation of agro-pastoral communities in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2012
África Oriental

Data on agro-pastoralists' perceptions of climate change and adaptation options were collected from agro-pastoral communities in 7 rural districts of Kenya. Key adaptation strategies for livestock producers include mixing crop and livestock production, destocking, diversifying livestock feeds, changing animal breeds and moving animals to other sites. Desired adaptation options include introducing new breeds and increasing herd size. Additionally, the main barriers to adaptation identified include lack of credit or savings followed by lack of access to land and inputs.

Classification and description of the major farming systems incorporating ruminant livestock in West Africa

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2004

A classification of the major ruminant livestock production systems in West Africa is proposed. The proposed typology has two major classes of systems-sole livestock and crop-livestock. The sole livestock class has two systems (rangeland-based and landless) and the crop-livestock class has three sub-classes (annual crop-livestock, tree-crop-livestock and irrigated/flooded cropland-livestock). Within the 3 crop-livestock subclasses 13 systems defined by the dominant crops are identified.