Biotechnical options
Discusses biological options available for improvement in the productivity of pastoral systems, particularly referring to problems arising from aridity and under-nutrition, and problems of particular systems such as mortality of young stock, bush encroachment, epidemic diseases and management systems.
Bringing insurance innovation to the pastoral areas of southern Ethiopia
This film describes the experience of Index-Based Livestock Insurance payouts in Borana, southern Ethiopia, in 2014, with interviews of livestock keepers, providers and partners.
Cadre stratégique pour le pastoralisme en Afrique : Sécuriser, protéger et améliorer les vies, les moyens de subsistance et les droits des communautés pastorales
La Politique cadre pour le pastoralisme en Afrique, présentée dans ce rapport, est la première initiative de politique à l’échelle d’un continent ayant pour but de sécuriser, protéger et améliorer la vie des pasteurs africains. Les pasteurs effectuent des contributions cruciales – mais souvent sous-estimées – aux économies africaines, grâce à leurs systèmes de production, leur culture, ainsi que leurs ressources animales et végétales. Pourtant, les indicateurs de développement humain et de sécurité alimentaire dans de nombreuses zones pastorales sont parmi les plus bas du continent.
Carbon sequestration potentials of semi-arid rangelands under traditional management practices in Borana, Southern Ethiopia
A study to determine carbon sequestration potentials and soil attributes was conducted in Borana rangelands of southern Ethiopia under communally grazed areas, grazing enclosures (rangelands enclosed for 20 years for dry season grazing) and rangelands managed by prescribed fire for more than five years after fire application. Soil attributes were collected from three soil depths (0–10 cm, 10–20 cm and 20–30 cm) and both aboveground and belowground carbon were estimated in all treatments.
CARE Ethiopia Pastoral Livelihoods Programs in Oromia Region
Cattle manure and reseeding effects on pasture productivity
Causes de mortalite avant le sevrage chez les ovins et caprins du systeme agropastoral du Mali central
Etude ayant pour objet de determiner, en partant d'observations cliniques faites tout au long de l'annee 1983 au niveau des troupeaux de petits ruminants suivis par le CIPEA, les causes de mortalite les plus connues avant sevrage afin de pouvoir entreprendre des essais visant a leur reduction au niveau des memes troupeaux.
Centre Commissioned External Review (CCER) of pastoral systems
This report reviews key issues in pastoral systems research in tropical areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia with the goal of identifying a ten-year research strategy for pastoral systems research for ILRI.
Cattle breeding strategies using genetic markers as a pathway for improving competitiveness of pastoral systems in Kenya
Characterization of Menz and Afar indigenous sheep breeds of smallholders and pastoralists for designing community-based breeding strategies in Ethiopia
This study aimed at understanding of existing sheep breeding practices, identifying sheep breeding goals and characterizing the morphological and biometrical characters of Menz and Afar sheep breeds in their habitat as a step towards developing sustainable sheep breeding strategy. The study was conducted by implementing single visit questionnaire, observing and recording of sheep morphological characters, and by recording body weight and body measurements. The survey revealed that the mean sheep flock size per household was 31.6 in Menz and 23.0 in Afar area.