Rehabilitaciòn de espacios degradados
Este nmero de Unasylva se ocupa de las tcnicas, pero tambin de los aspectos polticos y sociales, de la rehabilitacin forestal de determinados espacios degradados.
Este nmero de Unasylva se ocupa de las tcnicas, pero tambin de los aspectos polticos y sociales, de la rehabilitacin forestal de determinados espacios degradados.
Ce numro d'Unasylva se concentre sur les aspects techniques, mais aussi politiques et sociaux, de la rcupration de sites spcifiques, par des activits forestires.
This is a pop up poster for the publication Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands which will be launched during a special event at FAO Headquarters on 17 June 2016.
Issues relating to land and land reform have been moving up the agenda of rural poverty and food security in recent years with the increasing acceptance that the prerequisites for broad-based and equitable development include the essential need for people to have access to land and other natural resources. Access needs to be on an equitable basis allowing the poor and the disadvantaged, including women, to secure the assets needed for them and their families to generate sustainable livelihoods.
This paper represents part of an area of work which analyses the linkages between rights to land and water. An initial scoping paper explored the interface between land and water rights (LSP Working Paper 10: Hodgson, S. (2004). “Land and water – the rights interface”). It is complemented by two regional analyses: this Working Paper and LSP Working Paper 25: IIED. (2006). “Land and water rights in the Sahel: Tenure challenges of improving access to water for agriculture”.
Plusieurs centaines de millions de pastoralistes de partout dans le monde comptent sur un riche héritage de connaissances et sur une tradition de mobilité pour survivre dans certains des environnements les plus rudes de la planète. Ils produisent de la viande, du lait et des fibres et fournissent des services écosystémiques essentiels. Pourtant, ils sont souvent incompris, marginalisés et exclus des décisions les concernant. La Plateforme leur donne une voix.
Unasylva examina el significado de los bosques para la seguridad alimentaria, formulando la siguiente pregunta: Cmo hacer que los programas y actividades de desarrollo forestal sirvan para asegurar econmica y materialmente a todo el mundo, en todo momento, el acceso a su alimento? En el artculo de fondo M. Hoskins expone cmo contribuyen - y cmo podrn contribuir - los bosques a la seguridad alimentaria, y sugiere estrategias para incorporar a las actividades de desarrollo forestal elementos de seguridad alimentaria.
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have a history of engagement in pastoral development which is likely to continue. In the face of growing challenges posed by climate change, as well as new economic and political realities, pastoralism offers a production system that prospers in landscapes where other livelihood systems are either at their limit or require large investments. The sector is highly relevant to the fundamental goals and strategic frameworks of both agencies.
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva examine en dtail le rapport entre la foresterie et la scurit alimentaire et se pose la question suivante: Que peut-on faire pour que les programmes et activits de dveloppement forestier contribuent dans la mesure du possible assurer l'accs conomique et physique aux produits alimentaires pour tous et en tout temps? Dans l'article de fond, M.
This PFS training Manual is designed for use by Master Trainers (MTs) during the training of facilitators course. Each lesson/topic is complete in itself detailing the preparations to be made, the materials to be kept handy, the core message to be communicated, and the methods that can be used in communicating the messages. A few sessions may require the presence of a technical person as co-facilitator, but the rest can be handled by any person who has been trained as a PFS Master Trainer.